[SOFT] Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager)
Salut @secamfr je t'ai laissé un msg en privé.
Si le pb vient de la position des articles (Le, la, etc) , lors d'un scrap sur Screenscraper, il faut savoir que Screenscraper retourne toujours le nom du jeu avec l'article au début du nom. Mais ton pb est peut être autre. J'attends ta réponse en pvt -
Hi all
New version available
- v (05/09/2018)
- You can manually enter an MD5 on a game and force its scrape on this md5, the md5 will be saved in the gamelist.
During an unsuccessful search on the name of rom, ARRM does a search via the MD5 which will be saved in the database and XML.
Thus during future scrapes he can search directly via the MD5 already found. - addition of a field 'md5' in the gamelist and the database (new version of database)
- The template for the image mix is ??now managed via XML files. Use the 'see mix model' button to choose your template.
The xml files are editable and editable (remember to click reload). You can create your own files and background
They are located, along with their background file in\ users \ your_ident \ appdata \ roaming \ soft_example \ arrm \ resources.
- add the 3d Box button to retrieve in the Box image mode or in the boxart tag the 3D box if available on screenscraper
- add a textbox 'MD5 game' to make a unit search on the MD5 entered in the textbox screenscraper and no longer on the name of the game or its calculated md5.
- MD5 button: the "clean name" checkbox can be applied to this button.
- fixed a bug: under recalbox some images did not appear: solution removal of the old image during the scrap of a game.
(If you are in this case, remember to click on 'delete unused images' then select all your database and click on 'check if image exists'
and then filter on 'roms without pictures' and scrap them) - It is possible to select several systems in order to launch an automatic scrape on Screenscraper:
If multiple systems are selected, an automatic scrape starts on Screenscraper. A report appears at the end of scrape.
If only one system is selected, the usual interface is available, which allows scrape and manage the gamelist.xml - checkbox to use the name of the Rom file as a game name (SecamFr request)
- Improved 'Verif Name via MD5' (more accurate)
- Added a 'Verification Roms' button which only serves to browse the database and apply actions related to checkboxes 'Clean Name', 'Add Disk', and 'Keep Name Rom'
- The 'Channel Search in Title or Rom Name' now allows you to search for the desired channel in both the Game Title, but also in the Rom file name (SecamFr request)
- Ability to enter a Genre Filter by entering the genre, without the need to select a genre in the combobox
- addition of a "export csv" button allowing to export in csv format the list of games of your current gamelist (request of StephaneR)
- longer bubble info
- Fixed various bugs
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
Thanks to the following people for the donation
* Stephane R. (from Canada)Thanks to the following people for their suggestions and bug reports:
* AnkX (from the recalbox forum)
* ViRuS-Man (from the recalbox forum)
* Secamfr (from the recalbox forum)
* Outlaw (from the recalbox forum)
* chris256 (from the recalbox forum)
* ninjaw (from the recalbox forum)
* TotalRecall (from the recalbox forum)
* Jay (from the recalbox forum) -
Hello All
New version available :- v (05/18/18)
- It is possible to move the roms from one system to another and keeping the scrape informations via the button "Move to folder. Attention it is necessary that the destination folder is the root of the destination system folder
- v (05/12/2018)
- change processing for .scummvm files so that the sleeve is directly visible under recalbox without having to validate the game to show information. (Anto64 suggestion)
see https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/ScummVM-(EN) - update manual MD5 processing : now on a search with a MD5 entered manually, the platform is no longer passed as a parameter in the request. So you can grab informations from the same game on other platform
- fixed a bug on Folders tag in XML (Thanks VirusMan)
- fixed a bug in the renaming and moving of roms (dos / scummvm)
- Fixed a bug when refreshing the datagrid during a move of roms in another directory
- added a button 'Screenscraper' in the groupbox "Roms Information", to open the Screenscraper page of the platform concerned to the first letter of the name of the game
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
A bit of fedback
ARM do not save the tag <core> in gamelist.xml
I used the function "move to folder", the game-list was saved but I missed all the <core> </core> tags in the new gamelist.xml.
This tag is used to define the core to be used in the rom. i.e: imame4all, mame2010, etc.
Could be supported this tag in ARM?Another suggestion. What do you think about a new funtion to delete orphan entries in gamelist.xml?
@retrovadus Hi, thx for your report, could you send me a gamelist with "core" tag please at nexusone13@gmail.com so I could implement this tag in the next release
Ok the example file has been sent.
regards -
Hello All
New version available :v (05/25/2018)
- Added "core" and "emulator" tag in the gamelist (Request from @RetroVadus)
- new 'Recompose Image' button that allows you to apply a template with image information already stored in the gamelist (boxart, screenshot, wheel / marquee recovered via Extra Tag option of ARRM) without having to rescrap from the net
- added several templates
- addition of the TO8 system (Thomson TO8) normally provided in the next update of recalbox.
- scrap bug correction with ZX81
- fix various bugs
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
Hello All
New version available (Important update)
- v (05/29/2018)
- Fixed a big bug that prevented the game from launching after adding "core" and "emulator" tags with empty content: now these tags are no longer written to the gamelist when they are empty.
To apply the solution to your gamelist, simply reload your system in ARRM, select your roms and create the gamelist so that everything comes back in order. (no need to re scrap)
Thanks to VirusMan for quickly detecting the problem
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
Hello All
New version available
version (06/04/2018)
- Default images now integrate into templates. They apply when no picture is found. For example, choose a "snowy screen" for the Screenshot.
The default Screenshot is applied if 'image style' matches Screen or Mix. Default Boxes and Marquee are applied only if 'image style' matches Box or Marquee. - The system search parameters are now manageable via external files containing for theGamesDb and Screenscraper the names of systems recalbox / batocera / emulationstation and their equivalent on the sites Screenscraper and TheGamesDb (accessible via the button next to the buttons Screenscraper and TheGamesDb)
- add a Naomi style arcade template
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
(Always uninstall previous version before installing a new one)
- Default images now integrate into templates. They apply when no picture is found. For example, choose a "snowy screen" for the Screenshot.
Hello All
New version available
version (07/01/2018)
- v
- Add support for Daphne (see wiki for correct directories setting)
- Add support for Thomson
- Update Thegamedb.net api url (the images were no longer recovered)
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
(Always uninstall previous version before installing a new one)
@nexusone13 Hello!
First of all: thank you very much for the tool!
I have some questions: I found the option to delete unused images very useful.
But I did not find an option to delete the entries in the gamelist that no longer have a ROM, this option exists and I do not know how to use? Or is there still no such option?
Also I have not located a Scrapp option that allows the user to decide whether to accept Scrapp found or not. For example, due to similar names, ScreenScraper sometimes finds information about a game that is not the chosen one, but since it only finds one, it does not give you the option to choose, and manually you have to go back to the game, and delete the information that was entered wrong. Or am I doing something wrong?
I emphasize that the tool is very useful, thank you again! -
@zing hi zing and thanks for your encouragement. When you load a gamelist, if a rom file does not exist it will not be shown i the database. You have to save the database into the gamelist to save the change. About the option to accept or not a scrap , it does not exists indeed. and I'm afraid it will slow down the scrap. Maybe an option in a future release
@nexusone13 Thanks for the answer!
I agree that if the user has the option to accept Scrap or not, the process will take longer. So I SUGGEST (just a suggestion, the tool is already great without this option), that if it is possible to put this in a future version, put it as optional, and by default continue automatic. Probably only boring users like me would use this option.Another question: Does ARRM automatically connect to the recalbox? I saw that there are fields for login, password, button to stop EmulationStation, and button to restart Recalbox, but I did not see a button to connect to Recalbox, so I had doubts.
Do you mind if I post open a topic to advertise your tool in the forum portuguese section?
@zing Hi, when I'll back from vacation, I'll try to put the option you want.
Field login & password are used to launch commands to stop & restart emulationstation on recalbox.No problem, you can put an advert on the portuguese section
@nexusone13 Thank you very much!
I will create a topic in the Portuguese version so that more people can use this great tool that you have created!
Once again, thank you, and enjoy your vacation! -
@zing Hi I let you a private message with link to a test version with the asked option. Waiting for your feedback
Hello All
New version available
version (08/20/2018)
- scrape style / options image options are accessible via a toggle button (Options / Images style). It saves a little space
- Added a scrape option: "Confirm each game", which allows to validate the scrape of a game or to pass it (Zing's request on the Recalbox forum)
- Added a scrape option: "Image as Rom file". The name of the image file will be identical to the name of the rom file (Jay's request on the Recalbox forum)
- The choice of templates is now in the form of a drop-down list with sample of the mix
- Added a thumbnail in "image style" displaying the selected template
- Added many console templates
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
(Always uninstall previous version before installing a new one)
Hello All
New version available
version (08/29/2018)
- redesign of the template system. It is now possible for a mix to manage 8 layers by transparency. See the sample template 000_example_template
- fixed a bug when calculating MD5 on a directory
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
(Always uninstall previous version before installing a new one)
Hello All
New version available
version (09/12/2018)
- little makeover of the interface
- bug fix on erasing dos and daphne rom
- when creating a mix, if an image (box, screen, marquee) is not found, ARRM searches in the images_downloaded directory for images previous scrap on Thegamesdb, Screenscraper or another scraper. (see above)
- if "no image" or no choice of image has been made in the "image options", ARRM only retrieves the textual information of the game (thanks PilafSama)
- added 2 templates: mix_recalbox_like / mix_recalbox_like_snes_n64
- the values ??of the checkboxes in the image options are retained.
- when searching for a missing image, ARRM searches with the <rom filename> if the option 'image as rom' was checked in the 'scrap options' otherwise it looks on the <game title>
- Added option: 'Remove filters' When this box is checked, when saving the gamelist, all filters are deleted, hidden files are displayed and the entire list is selected "(Zing and PilafSama requests )
Download link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
Version uses the new TheGamesDB API. Warning TGDB now limits to 1000 requests per IP and per month.