Thanks for your help! After some fiddling around I finally got it working. I encountered the following problems: - Can´t use wget with your links because it saves the files with the long random letter sequence as filename (tried putty and linux terminal) so I had to download manually and copy to the recalbox - The setup script which is supposed to copy to /recalbox/scripts did not work for me, as I got "/recalbox/scripts/ not found" after executing. The other setup script from your long post worked fine - I had to re-save the S99maus file using "sed -i 's/\r//'" as I was getting a "bad interpreter" error - The switch is working now, but nevertheless I get the following error when S99maus is executed: ps: bad -o argument 'command', supported arguments: user,group,comm,args,pid,ppid,pgid,tty,vsz,stat,rss I don´t know if this is relevant. Just some feedback, I´m glad everything is working for me now. Thanks for the help!