Ok solved it
This concern is for the PowerA Xbox One Controller
It is labeled PowerA Xbox One Series X Controller in the config for some reason (?)
Button configuration on windows :
1 = A
2 = B
3 = X
4 = Y
5 = LB
6 = RB
7 = Select
8 = Start
9 = L3
10 = R3
11 = Xbox Guide
12 = Share
Button configuration on Linux/Recalbox :
0 = A
1 = B
2 = X
3 = Y
4 = LB
5 = RB
6 = Select
7 = Start
8 = L3
9 = R3
10 = Xbox Guide
11 = Share
This is the correct configuration to add to InputAutoCfg.ini :
[PowerA Xbox Series X Controller]
A Button=button(0)
B Button=button(2)
C Button D=axis(4+) button(1)
C Button L=axis(3-) button(3)
C Button R=axis(3+)
C Button U=axis(4-)
DPad D=hat(0 Down)
DPad L=hat(0 Left)
DPad R=hat(0 Right)
DPad U=hat(0 Up)
L Trig=button(4)
Mempak switch=button(11)
R Trig=button(5)
Rumblepak switch=button(12)
X Axis=axis(0-,0+) axis(0+,0-)
Y Axis=axis(1-,1+) axis(1+,1-)
Z Trig=axis(2+)