@simba51 d**n please read the full topic ... I said pi3b+ is working on our side but ppsspp. Supporting the 3b+ is not just a matter of porting recalbox to it as it currently works just fine ! Beside ppsspp, there are other technical matters on the recalbox upgrade level to handle. Unless you want me to brick any upgrading pi or x86 (because this is what would happen for now if I push the work)
Raspberry Pi 3B+ (Plus) - Compatible?
@simba51 d**n please read the full topic ... I said pi3b+ is working on our side but ppsspp. Supporting the 3b+ is not just a matter of porting recalbox to it as it currently works just fine ! Beside ppsspp, there are other technical matters on the recalbox upgrade level to handle. Unless you want me to brick any upgrading pi or x86 (because this is what would happen for now if I push the work)
This post is deleted! -
Hi, I bought a Raspberry Pi to install RecalBox. I thought well done by taking the model 3B + ....... After an evening trying to install it, I learned that it was not yet compatible ....
I am eager to test the first version of recalbox for Raspberry 3B +
Courage;) -
What, if anything, can us users do to help you out?
I've seen emulation projects like this in the past where the product gets good and people start asking for more and more and eventually the developer just says screw it, it's not worth the headache.
People are impatient creatures, especially once they are hooked on something and recalbox has that special something that keeps people asking for more.
I want to see recalbox succeed, so what can we do to help make this happen? Patients? Money? Hardware?
Good luck!!
@ivwshane i need patient users who read once for all what i've explained
Hi, I'm very new to the Pi world and I just got my very first Raspberry Pi (the 3B+).
One of my friends told me the first thing I should install is Recalbox, which I did, but it looks like the 3B+ is not yet supported. So I'll be keeping an eye out on this thread while I wait patiently.
Bonjour Substring et tout le monde.
La version de Recalbox compatible Raspberry Pi 3B+ progresse bien ?
Rencontres tu des difficultées ?
Mets un petit message hebdomadaire pour alimenter l'espoir. Qu'on vienne te soutenir.(google translate)
Hello Substring and everyone.
The version of Recalbox compatible Raspberry Pi 3B + progresses well?
Do you have difficulties?
Put a little weekly message to fuel hope. May we come and support you. -
Bon ben avec le message qui mène ici, on peut plus consulter la page Unread Messages sur smartphone (Android Firefox), elle reste bloquée sur l'encadré,on ne peut pas scroller vers le bas
@voljega aucun pb me concernant
@substring avec firefox sur android ?
idem android chrome -
@voljega nan, j'ai vendu ma vie privée à chrome
@acris pas dd pb sous chrome pour moi, ou alors j'ai mal compris le pb
@substring pour moi la page s'affiche mais reste bloquée sur l'encadré "About Pi3" avec juste la barre de bouton en dessous ("New Topic" ..... "Marks as Read") et je ne peux plus scroller vers le bas pour voir les nouveaux messages donc
@voljega et si tu fait glisser depuis le bas de la page ? Chez moi au milieu ça ne bouge pas, il faut partir d'en bas.
Sur chrome android, on ne peut pas attraper la "boite" du message pour scroller, faut prendre juste au-dessus ou en dessous. Au final, ça laisse le temps au nouveaux arrivants de bien lire l'info le temps qu'ils trouvent l'astuce -
@cbastos said in Raspberry Pi 3B+ (Plus) - Compatible?:
Sur chrome android, on ne peut pas attraper la "boite" du message pour scroller, faut prendre juste au-dessus ou en dessous. Au final, ça laisse le temps au nouveaux arrivants de bien lire l'info le temps qu'ils trouvent l'astuceIdem sur brave. Mais c'est très bien si ça oblige certains à lire le message avant !
@noktambule ben le problème est résolu car l'encadré ne s'affiche plus sur mon smartphone :))
I made some testruns with your settings:
sdram_over_voltage=2I can NOT confirm a stable system with the settings.
Allways kernelpanic or sometimes just ---- nothing --- .With 1550 Mhz the system ran stable, at boot there was occasionally a kernelpanic if it had been running for some time, but if the system where up and running it was stable. I suspect that a better heat sink could help here. The enclosed is a bit small. With 1500 MHz, the system runs unobtrusively, no problems.
My AmigaCD32 and DTV64 add-ons also work, with the PSP emulator still has something to fight. -
@ratte You might try without the GPU, core and SDRAM overclock. Just keep the ARM oveclock @1600 and see if you can boot and get something stable. If it is, then start adding one by one the other overclock parameters and check stability. If it's not stable just with the ARM oveclock, then try to b*mp the over_voltage to 6 and check again. If still not stable, then you have no choice and the ARM frequency has indeed to be decreased
Ability of Pi to max out frequency dépends on manufacturing quality. Some batches are really good, some average and some other really bad for overclocking but still within the range of the standard quality specs from the manufacturer.