Recalbox 18.03.16 is out!
@hex12 please, keep this topic about the new release only, read the wiki for board compatibility, and search in the forum to see if you question has already been answered, and eventually open a new topic to ask your question. Thanks!
@substring Hi, thanks for your message. I've been checking in the PPSSPP documentation and it seems that the option was removed due to a bad use by some users in Android or other devices and that will be implemented in OpenGL in the upcoming 1.6 version (however as far as there is no estimation on when it will be deployed).
I must say that in my case of a RPI3 not OC, I experienced in some games an incredible improvement that made unplayables games to playable with a behaviour similar to a native PSP, this is why I miss this feature so much.
The PPSSPP 1.5.4 (and mostly 1.5) was motivated by the inclusion of Vulkan API which unfortunately Pi 3 does not support (can't say in the case of Odroid devices). I might suggest the following:
- Do a regression in PPSSPP version to the 1.4 that was included in previous version but only to Pi devices until version 1.6 is released
- To not be so "drastical" in this removal, why not provide always a link to just the previous version of Recalbox whenever there is a new release? In this way, people might get back in case a new version finds a problem in his/her device and needs to do a rollback (which at this moment is not possible).
Thanks a lot to your and the whole team of Recalbox for your support.
@raffols i'm ok to rollback to the previous versionnof ppsspp
Regarding releases, i can access them, but looks like gitlab doesn't allow it for public access
@substring there are other issues with this version of PPSSPP, a thread is open here :
Just to inform, there are also again the wrong hifiberry drivers in this version.
@dragu that's normal, i can't set the good overlays, you know why. We should get things back once we upgrade to the last stable kernel in a month or two
Great job guys once again !!!!
have you planned to insert Oric 1/atmos emulation in recalbox soon !!! I would play tyrann once again ....
@orn22300 link to the source code of an emulator ?
@orn22300 you can play it on amstrad cpc no ?
@substring Hi, I believe he might be referring to Pete Gordon's Oric emulator that is in the experemental section of a certain other Pi emu setup.
A couple of links that may be of help are: -
Hi, I just rolled back to the Christmas version (just sd card to change) and as the theme "recalbox" was modified to "recalbox-next" in share, I keep the same look. -
@dragu you miss the snow man ?