@Substring and the whole team: Thank you for your hard work on this. I don't take this for granted!
I am looking forward to try all the new features :))
Recalbox 18.03.16 is out!
Yo !
New release today, I won't list the details here, but hurry and head over to the blog for the general info and here for more details :)!
For impatient people, have a look at https://youtu.be/-TtzRFInKqc for the new features
Edit: the video is not telling everything about the update, do read the blog
Wonderful, thank you !
Thanks everyone.....looks amazing! can’t wait to try it out! And no more Xmas splash vid
Just waiting for my build to detect there is an update!
Managed to update through Putty and ran the upgrade script manualy
Super, je mets à jour demain !
Merci -
Thanks for this great update and your hard work. For me today is Christmas and birthday together!
@Substring and the whole team: Thank you for your hard work on this. I don't take this for granted!
I am looking forward to try all the new features :)) -
Thank you for the new version. But I experience some bugs. The major one is when I quit a game screen resolution does not fix and stay as the game's.
@alpermis great ! I need a support archive please
@substring I have no idea how to provide you that. Give me some info please.
@alpermis open a separate thread please. For the support archive, go to http://recalbox/help or http://recalbox.local/help if you're on mac/linux
Не корректно отображаются буквы при выборе Русского языка.
Letters are displayed incorrectly when you select The Russian language. -
@Substring afeter update no rom is lauching anymore, on all systems (I'm using external HDD)
Launching the support script through manager doesn't work anymore, with following error :
Command failed: /recalbox/scripts/recalbox-support.sh /recalbox/share/saves/recalbox-support-bbda8044-2e84-2b07-68b4-0b6ecfec6ac6.tar.gz lspci: /sys/bus/pci/devices: No such file or directory /recalbox/scripts/recalbox-support.sh: line 53: aplay: command not found /recalbox/scripts/recalbox-support.sh: line 54: glxinfo: command not found /recalbox/scripts/recalbox-support.sh: line 55: xrandr: command not found /recalbox/scripts/recalbox-support.sh: line 100: /recalbox/share/saves/recalbox-support-bbda8044-2e84-2b07-68b4-0b6ecfec6ac6.tar.gz: Read-only file system tar: -: Cannot write: Broken pipe tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now Reporting zip creation failed
Through command line, doesn't work too :
# cd ../../scripts/ # ./recalbox-support.sh lspci: /sys/bus/pci/devices: No such file or directory ./recalbox-support.sh: line 53: aplay: command not found ./recalbox-support.sh: line 54: glxinfo: command not found ./recalbox-support.sh: line 55: xrandr: command not found ./recalbox-support.sh: line 100: /recalbox/share/saves/recalbox-support-20180317115448.tar.gz: Read-only file system Reporting zip creation failed # cd ../share # ../scripts/recalbox-support.sh lspci: /sys/bus/pci/devices: No such file or directory ../scripts/recalbox-support.sh: line 53: aplay: command not found ../scripts/recalbox-support.sh: line 54: glxinfo: command not found ../scripts/recalbox-support.sh: line 55: xrandr: command not found ../scripts/recalbox-support.sh: line 100: /recalbox/share/saves/recalbox-support-20180317115520.tar.gz: Read-only file system Reporting zip creation failed # doesn't even work with
mount -o remount, rw /
!!!Share must not well mounted, and after that got again a crash when shutting down fast, second one in two weeks, it never happened before...
Is there anyway to find previous release?
@voljega fab2ris has been streaming for 4h yesterday and very oftzn swapped between external and sd share, had no probs regarding roms
I'll check tonight for the manager and support script
Encore merci pour cette nouvelle mise à jour. Je cherche à composer le thème parfait pour l'interface
Le seul souci que je rencontre jusqu'à maintenant, c'est que, au bout de 4-5 changements (icone, couleurs, organisation du menu, etc.) et donc de switch à chaud, l'écran "veuillez patienter" se fige (et la musique saccade, quasiment jusqu'à en devenir muette). Du coup, je redémarre par l'accès web "recalbox/" plutôt que de booter comme une brute.
I can not download previous build here https://gitlab.com/recalbox/recalbox/tags. It says 404 not found
It was working perfect and now I have to reboot after each game change, because half of the content is out of the screen. I just want to install previous build but It seems I can't find it at all -
- This is an english thread! - C'est un sujet en anglais!
- Please open a new topic for support. - Merci d'ouvrir un nouveau sujet pour du support.
@substring said in Recalbox 18.03.16 is out!:
@voljega fab2ris has been streaming for 4h yesterday and very oftzn swapped between external and sd share, had no probs regarding roms
I'll check tonight for the manager and support script
Yeah it's just the share which was mounted in ro. Everything seems resolved after repair + restart. But happened twice since previous updte compared to never before in two years
@oyyodams Oups, sorry about that. I will do it right now !