Bon, c'est fait ^^
Et j'en ai profité pour b*mper à la version 1.0 tout court, parce que pour moi c'est plutôt stable et qu'il y a déjà pas mal d'options dispo.
L'export de la liste se trouve dans Actions/systeme/Exporter la liste en fichier .txt
Astuce : si la case "lister par nom de Rom" est cochée, l'export se fera par nom de Rom au lieu du nom de jeu.
Ca exporte par ordre alphabétique et ça met un joli délimiteur entre chaque lettre pour qu'on y voit plus clair, je te laisse juger 
For English users :
I've b*mped the version number to 1.0 Stable because I think it has now enough options to have a stable version and a real version number lol (also I think it's pretty stable, didn't encounter any bug since a long time and I've also fixed a potential one in this release).
I've added the option to export your games lists (by system) to a .txt file.
By default lists are exported with games names, but if you check the box "list by Rom name" on the main screen, it will export the list by Rom name (pretty obvious ahah).
Option is under Actions/System/Export the gamelist to .txt
D**ned, I've checked the forum too late, I could have easily added this option while adding export...
And now I don't have time to do it. But it's on the todo list and I'll see if I can do it before the end of the week.
Would you mind giving me a sample of one of your gamelist.xml so I can see what it looks like ? (easier for me to add the option if I know what it looks like in the xml).