[4.1-stable] FAQ
@rk-aus-s hello this kind of dongle have often different subversion with different chipset.... So v1 can work and v2 don't.
I think I have one of this dongle in my apartment. I'll test that if I have a moment. -
@rockaddicted Thanks a lot. My Version is v4 - so it seams to be the newest release of this adapter. If you need some logs - I would send you every log you want!
@rk-aus-s So I done a quick search and the realtek chipset inside this dongle needs a custom driver until kernel v4.7.
We are actually on kernel v4.4.13, so you will have retry after a technical upgrade of recalbox in the next weeks. -
@rockaddicted Thank you very much for this fast and competently answer.
hey there, just 2 ideas perhaps they can be implemented in recalbox next release. #1 not sure if it belongs here but can you guys make emulation station display an "Image Not Found" or "Default image" image for the games that dont have an image, i got over 8000 games and only like 100 without an image, i think this could be a cool feature. #2 on the pcx86x64 distro, is it posible that recalbox would format the share partition in fat32? it helps make transfers easy on a dual boot enviroment. Thannks for such a great gaming distro.
1: why not, a themable default image. It is an idea.
2: nope, fat32 is an old and weak microsoft FS. Relcabox is a linux, so we use ext4, a native, robust linux FS. -
@rockaddicted said in [4.1-stable] FAQ:
nope, fat32 is an old and weak microsoft FS. Relcabox is a linux, so we use ext4, a native, robust linux FS.Well, its not about how weak or how best wich OS is, is about end user experience that counts, perhaps, in the future, as it happened with other linux distros, instead of distributing images ,it would be posible to crea an installer, that will give you the option to format the share partition in fat32 mode . On my side, it makes it easyer to update roms,scrape them even to install themes. I use dual boot with windows 7, to make things easyer. And on the themable default image, it would be great, i mean, i can download the image myself but adding 100 plus images of games that perhaps ill never play it would take alot of time. So a default image makes things easyer.
@javier-sandoval he didnât write OS (Operation system) but FS (File system)
@paradadf said in [4.1-stable] FAQ:
@javier-sandoval he didnât write OS (Operation system) but FS (File system)
isnt that the same thing? i mean i do understand the diference betwen FS and OS but what i mean is, the end user experience is what matters. But at the same time i understand that if theres not much interest in a feature, most likely it will not be developed.
@javier-sandoval the share partition was FAT32, but because of many reason, it was decided to change it to a linux native FS. Recalbox is a linux distro anyway... as it was already mentioned.
@javier-sandoval mount your partitions from recalbox, update what has to be updated "manually"
I read the FAQ (yeah really :)) and I'm still on Unstable 4.1, Version is dated 23.03.17. I know the FAQ says April etc. and also I'm not seeing the Update in the GUI, but is it still possible to Update (somewhat) safely to the Stable Release?
Or can I Update to the lastet Unstable and then to Stable?
I'm asking because I have a Multiboot System with Libreelec set up and would rather avoid reinstalling everything -
Hi devs,
Finally found opportunity to test this on Pi3. Firstly, just to say HUGE THANKS for all the work you guys have put into this. It's awesome!Secondly - is this the place to post bugs? If so, few bits:
Kodi doesn't appear to be able to be controlled via the joypad? Just a keyboard?
When trying to scrape via Screenscarper, get the following error: "Error saving image. Out of memory? Disk Full?" Works fine with GamesDB
Didn't 4.1 Unstable have some facility to transfer setup from SD Card to external USB drive? Did this disappear in the stable release?
thanks again
Thanks to all the team and the community for this great job!
Unfortunately for me Recalbox 4.1 crashed on my Rpi3 and did not restart.
I'm going to reinstall it, here's a screenshot of the error messages I got "kernel panic". (screenshot kernel panic -> https://ibb.co/cUEyqw)
Thank again -
I canÂŽt stop emulation station from the manager. F4 on keyboard wonÂŽt work either. Is this normal in 4.1?
can i upgrade from V4.1.0-DEV to the new 17.12.02 Version by flashing the .img file on the SD Card again BUT without losing my config, roms, savegames etc.?
Thanks! -
@chrisser flashing erases everything, that's no update
and is there another way to get this version on my system?
@chrisser have you read the 1st post ? Conditions to upgrade from a dev version are explained
hi, i need your help.
I don't know why but my recalbox boot only on the favotites or on a single play station.
How can i put the carousel to choose a games console?
i have try to modify the boot option but i don't manage to put the carousel....thanks for helping me.....