Hi @Substring, thanks.
I figured it was going to be something like that. Looks like it's back to keyboard emulation.
Hi All,
Quick question that I don't think has been covered.
As per the heading, I have an iPAC2 for my system. In the beginning I had trouble getting the configuration correct until I found an article that advised on downloading WiniPAC2 software and configure the iPAC outputs to be actual buttons, nit emulated keys. This worked a charm and I had one player up and running in no time.
But now I am trying to get the second player controls working, I am finding two issues:
Any suggestions please???
For clarification, when I mentioned that they are configured as actual buttons, this is known as "Gamepad" mode in WiniPAC2.
Hi !
The ipac has a big problem with gamepad mode : it can only be set for 1 player.
But fear not ! Keep the default mappings (keyboard ones), and read the wiki concerning keyboard encoders in the mini howto section
Hi @Substring, thanks.
I figured it was going to be something like that. Looks like it's back to keyboard emulation.
@crimsonblaed I guess you forgot looking for the wiki https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Keyboard-encoder-configuration-(EN)
@Substring thanks I found that previously after I had changed to gamepad mode and was hoping I didnt have to remap again.
Anyway all done and both player stations are working.
Just having issues with getting the hotkey working now, which seems to ge a common problem also.
OK, so my hotkey is mapped as per the Keyboard encoder configuration (EN) that was linked above (currently Key_V, it tried KEY_3 but that didn't work).
I have the hotkey connected to 1SW8 on the iPAC2, is this correct?
appreciate and Suggestions/answers you can offer, thanks
@Substring Any suggestions please ?
@crimsonblaed mine is mapped as default mapping as seen on ipac's website. Never understood what the mapping on the page was about.
But i'm on a previous version of recalbox so maye it has changed before and i can't help you further.
You shouldtest your buttons with evtest after configuring everything and check that every button is firing an event
@voljega thanks.
What is evtest? Where would I find it?
@crimsonblaed it's a linux command you must connect to the pi in ssh or open a terminal and type it
@crimsonblaed noprob had a few weeks of scratching my head myself when I tried to make my ipac2 work, turns out if was just the line in recalbox.conf was doubled