6 Apr 2017, 01:28

Hi All,

Quick question that I don't think has been covered.
As per the heading, I have an iPAC2 for my system. In the beginning I had trouble getting the configuration correct until I found an article that advised on downloading WiniPAC2 software and configure the iPAC outputs to be actual buttons, nit emulated keys. This worked a charm and I had one player up and running in no time.
But now I am trying to get the second player controls working, I am finding two issues:

  1. when configuring the outputs as buttons through WiniPAC2, it only has option for one set of joystick controls (options are button0 - button32, joy UP, joy DOWN, joy LEFT, joy RIGHT). For the second joystick, would I set it with the joystick inputs only with 'iPAC shift' setting ticked or just have the four directions (U, D, L, R) as straight buttons?
  2. the most frustrating, when attempting to configure the second set of controls through the 'controller setup' in the options menu, It says it sees three gamepads but will only ever want to configure gamepad 1 ... Further to that, I keep setting in the 'controller setup' menu P1=iPAC and P2= iPAC, although the P2 setting never saves and keeps failing back to default of nothing...

Any suggestions please???
