Hello Every one.
Just pull out a fresh new release (v2.2.0.0)
What's new :
New Language Set
Now English Language are separated in 2 : English UK and English US. So now it handle correctly the media fallback (exemple : In UK fallback if a cover matching the rom is not found it will take the European one and the world one if not found. In US, it will take the US one and the world one... Same for the game naming)
A complete new Wizard.
I force it at start to make sure every one have a "good" install first.
I put a lot's of "verification" to make sure a standard install can scrape easy.
You can always tweek what you want after that 
A New "Options" Menu.
Now you will have a lot's of "easy" tweek" like :
- Mix or not.
- If not Mix : selecting Default picture, alt picture and for Retropie : Marquee and Videos
- Naming convention : Default is "Game Name + Options" so you can tweek the options.
- Name Tag options : Now you can put the country between [], and some tags between () like Clone, Beta, Demo, Proto, Trad, Hack, Unl, Alt, Best. (To come : Clone type and Hack type) -> So normally no more simple duplicate name (for mame for exemple). If still duplicate, it's because we haven't the info in DB. Don't hesitate to submit correction on that on www.screenscraper.fr
- Case for multiple metadata : Default/UPPERCASE/lowercase (depending on Theme, it may matter)
New Profil :
Profil change "a lot"... Not so much modification of existing things, but only 2 profils now : Recalbox/Retropie. With a lot's of new options (at the end).
It create dynamically the option menu.
We loose some "options" but I will put them back later (Like the "rom folder" profil or the "scummvm" profil)... I need to work on these.
Special dedicace to @mattrixk if you have any difficulty with modification on these profil, let me know.
New option in Gen config
It was asked, by default, UXS don't scrape "IN" zip file... So it may not found some game, but it's a way faster with romset like mame.
You can reactivate that in option.
Carbon Wheel on the UI
Now you can know what plateform you are scraping, it put a little carbon wheel on the UI.
This wheel depend on you language preset (so Genesis for US or Megadrive dor UK
Some debbuging
- Full Scrape works now ^^
- Full scrape have a good "Result" windows at the end
- Normally no more bug when scrape multiple system in the same session (you don't need to close and reopen UXS)
- Lot's of small debbuging.
To come :
- A new server (actually the small server we have suffer a lot. Specially at Week end) thanks to your donation we migrate soon to a new bigger and dedicated physical server.
- A new API (With the new server, little time after, we will have a new API with a lot's more new stuff to scrape and more easily
- A new Error handling (Actually error coming from the API aren't so easy to catch. So with the new API, I can have a better return and so a better information on what's going on when it doesn't work properly)
- lot's of new stuff in UXS

Asking for Help
With this new version, some translation aren't up to date. So if you speak German, Spanish, Dutch, Portugaise, Japanaise or Italian, you are welcome to contribute.
(Juste look in the LanguageFiles Folder. Open the XML correspondinf. The stuff needing translation are at the end
If you think my English isn't so good (what is true) don't hesitate to correct the EnglishUK or EnglishUS XML 
@kevinnash : Yes c'est réparé 
@azvarel : try these solution : Wiki The best way may be to scrape only with "filename" (without the extension) but for that you must have a good naming convention of your rom to match the rom in the DB (You can check directly on www.screenscraper.fr look for your game, and whatch at the very end of the game page. You will have all the referenced game.)
@Genetik57 et @OcEaN : Actuellement le scrape ne peut se baser que sur le hash (CRC, MD5, SHA1) ou sur le nom du fichier. Impossible donc de faire du scrape à la mano en choisissant le jeu.. Peut être plus tard mais ce n'est pas prévu. Par contre, la remontée d'info existe déjà en automatique : Si une rom est scrapé plus de 5 fois par 5 IP différentes et n'est pas référencée, elle est directement proposée aux modérateurs pour ajout.
Thank you guys, and don't hesitate to tell me if something don't work well