@Nokiandrea I don't think so
Video switching rca to hdmi and hdmi to rca
Hi, i had connected rca and hdmi cables...can i switch video output with a simple switch button?
@Nokiandrea I don't think so
@Nokiandrea If your switch button is linked to a script which is modifiing the config.txt file, and reboot the pi... perhaps... I know one guy which did this to rotate the screen ;).
Need to see if it is possible with the latest firmware.. because we can switch resolution on the fly now!
@Nokiandrea Yesterday i stumbled upon a very interesting article on the Pi documentation, and there may be a light at the end of the tunnel ... But it requires some tweaking.
The concept is : add a detail saying "if my TV is plugged, then set this hdmi mode" , see the The
[EDID=*] filter
chapter in https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/config-txt.md -
@Nokiandrea @Substring "When switching between multiple monitors while using a single SD card in your Pi, and where a blank config isn't sufficient to automatically select the desired resolution for each one, this allows specific settings to be chosen based on the monitors' EDID names." very interesting. 2 EDID configs, and a simple reboot to get the right output because " Hotplugging a different monitor after boot will not reselect different settings."
@ian57 cool for portable devices which could in the future also be connected on tv
the congrats must be to Substring... not me ;)... but yes it is cool for portable device