Testers team - Looking for people
I see most of people applying lately here have their 1st post on the forum.
Anyway God is on holidays, so he'll have a look once back
It's always a good thing to mention your pi version, screen resolution, available pads
@digitaLumberjack make up your mind for new testers, eventually
Here I am
https://github.com/jomofcw -
@jomofcw oh God, it's not Friday yet
That's why you should hire me now ! On Friday I won't be able to test anything than the wine...
Can I participate too?
You know me under the nickname: Neogeronimo
I was not really present these days for my health problems who have returned.
But now that I am at rest, I have time to kill -
@Pascal-Coudair you need github account
Hey Guys!
I'm not sure if you're still looking for testers but I would love to help
Raspberry Pi Models:
-rpi0 Model B (not B+)Controller pads:
-Steam Controller
-XBOX One Elite Controller
-XBOX 360 Wired
-PS4 controllerScreen:
Sony Bravia LCD 1920x1080 60hzI am free most nights to test things
I would really love to help try and contribute for Steam controller support too, I am still reading the materials @rockaddicted linked me so hopefully I can do that soon!
Hey, i would be happy to help! Send me a message or something and ill help
Hello. Please can you help me, how to join the team.
I would like to test and help.
Just to remind people that testers don't get any recalbox version before normal users. They need a little knowledge of recalbox to be able to test unstable features and do proper reporting
Might as well join in the party, right?
I'm already doing the testing for the Alpha and still waiting for Kodi to work on the XU4. Figure I'd help out any way I can. Any particular platforms you need more testers on than most?
Am I allowed to address testers? XD
I need testers for the compatibility lists here:
https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/4740/recalbox-compatibility-listsSpecially mame2003!!! So please, anyone willing to help is doing us all a great favor!
@paradadf whip them even if you wish
@Substring LOL!!!
je veux bien tester .
Merci. -
je traduis en français le dernier message de substring :Juste pour rappeler aux gens que les testeurs n'obtiennent pas de version recalbox avant les utilisateurs normaux
Il y a juste besoin d''un peu de connaissance de recalbox pour être en mesure de tester les fonctionnalités instables et faire des rapports appropriés