[question] Configuring Mix profil in UXS
Yes, if you use |fixe| image you cannot have blank final picture
But if you want, instead of a white square on the "empty" GBA, you can put something like "snow" (look the empty arcade) or a picture like this one :
An other solution, simply delete file where GBA is empty so you have nothing on Emulationstation screen
Hi all! I've found this topic very useful for making my mixes, and I want to use it to post my problem creating my own mix.
I've created 3 different Mix Profiles, one to scrape EUR roms, one for scrape USA roms, and one for scrape JAP roms.
This is my config.ini that I've created:
$MIX_IMG_NAME = PersonalStyleUSA
$MIX_IMG_EXEMPLE = exemple.png
$MIX_IMG1_SOURCE_1 = 'screenTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_screenshot|path:image|476||119|8|'
$MIX_IMG2_SOURCE_1 = 'wheelTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_wheels/media_wheel_us|path:image|320|320|RIGHT|DOWN'
$MIX_IMG3_SOURCE_1 = 'boxTEMP|GameMAX|medias/media_boxs/media_boxs3d/media_box3d_us|path:image|269|269|LEFT|DOWN'
$MIX_IMG4_SOURCE_1 = 'cartridgeTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_supports/media_supports2d/media_support2d_us|path:image|150|150|LEFT|CENTER'
$MIX_IMG5_SOURCE_1 = 'flagTEMP|FixeMax|Lang-USA.png|path:image|100|100|UP|LEFT'The problem is that in many roms I'm obtaining a correct scrape like this:
But many other, I'm obtaining a wrong rendered file, like this:
In this picture I've lost the cartridge and the logo images (and both of them are in screenscraper.fr database...)
And I've lost the logo in this other (and also, the logo is in the screenscraper database...)
I don't know what it's hapening, because in many cases, the rendered file is correct (as you can see in the Super Mario 64 scrape...), so the config.ini it would be correct, right?
Please, can anyone help me with this??
Thank you very much!!
Hi, @NaSHoOo
The problem (in your case) is that you select "only" one country by scrape. So if a media isn't in the country you scrape (but in an other country) you don't grab it.
Exemple for Castlevania :
http://www.screenscraper.fr/gameinfos.php?gameid=5414The Screenshot is multicountry = no problem.
The 3D Box is Us = no problem
The cardrigde and the wheel (logo) is Eu = so you don't grabe it (you want only Us)If you want, you can modify like this :
$MIX_IMG_NAME = PersonalStyleUSA
$MIX_IMG_EXEMPLE = exemple.png
$MIX_IMG1_SOURCE_1 = 'screenTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_screenshot|path:image|476||119|8|'
$MIX_IMG2_SOURCE_1 = 'wheelTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_wheels/media_wheel_us|path:image|320|320|RIGHT|DOWN'
$MIX_IMG3_SOURCE_1 = 'wheelTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_wheels/media_wheel_%%|path:image|320|320|RIGHT|DOWN'
$MIX_IMG4_SOURCE_1 = 'boxTEMP|GameMAX|medias/media_boxs/media_boxs3d/media_box3d_us|path:image|269|269|LEFT|DOWN'
$MIX_IMG5_SOURCE_1 = 'boxTEMP|GameMAX|medias/media_boxs/media_boxs3d/media_box3d_%%|path:image|269|269|LEFT|DOWN'
$MIX_IMG6_SOURCE_1 = 'cartridgeTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_supports/media_supports2d/media_support2d_us|path:image|150|150|LEFT|CENTER'
$MIX_IMG7_SOURCE_1 = 'cartridgeTEMP|GameMax|medias/media_supports/media_supports2d/media_support2d_%%|path:image|150|150|LEFT|CENTER'
$MIX_IMG8_SOURCE_1 = 'flagTEMP|FixeMax|Lang-USA.png|path:image|100|100|UP|LEFT'So, it take in priority the Us File. And if not found, take in your priority language (if you are in French for exemple : fr|eu|us|en|origine|de|es|pt|jp|xx)
Other solution (the best one ) Found missing media (like the Label Texture for the Us Cardridge) and submit it to Screenscraper so we can add it
Dear Screech,
You are awesome, thank you for your solution! It works perfectly
I must be doing this "solution" to identify the region of the roms, because when I am doing a scrape of a game with 3 regions (each one has the region in the .zip file), the gamelist.xml generated don't mention where it came from (EUR, USA or JAP).
It would be a great feature to include the region at the end of the game's name
Something like this:
Super Mario 64 [USA] (if the rom scraped is Super Mario 64 (USA).n64)
Super Mario 64 [EUR] (if the rom scraped is Super Mario 64 (Europe).n64Thank you for your great work with UXS and your support, kind regards!
@NaSHoOo you can already edit your UXS file like this (copy&paste from Screech's instructions):
$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:region'
Scrape the name and the region of your Rom and merge them as a name.
ex :Game Name : Mario
Region : Japan
Name result : Mario (Japan)$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:%FileNameBracket%'
Scrape the name and catch the first bracket ( '(' or '[' ) in the file name and merge the end of the filename (without extension) with the scraped name
ex :
Game Name : Zero Tolerance
Filename : zerotolerance (USA, Europe) [Proto].zip
Name Result : Zero Tolerance (USA, Europe) [Proto] -
Yep ^^
And also :
Now you have a new option in UXS-Config.ini :
$Picture_Region = 0 -> Picture preference by User Language
$Picture_Region = 1 -> Picture preference by Rom Region + preference by User Language
$Picture_Region = 2 -> Picture preference by Rom Region only (nothing if no picture)
So before when you have a Game in 3 languages, you have 3 times the same Picture (the one for your language)
With this option, If there is different Language Media on Screenscraper, it try to take the one corresponding of your Rom Language.
(Work only with MIX Template ) -
@paradadf said in [question] Configuring Mix profil in UXS:
@NaSHoOo you can already edit your UXS file like this (copy&paste from Screech's instructions):
$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:region'
Scrape the name and the region of your Rom and merge them as a name.
ex :Game Name : Mario
Region : Japan
Name result : Mario (Japan)$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:%FileNameBracket%'
Scrape the name and catch the first bracket ( '(' or '[' ) in the file name and merge the end of the filename (without extension) with the scraped name
ex :
Game Name : Zero Tolerance
Filename : zerotolerance (USA, Europe) [Proto].zip
Name Result : Zero Tolerance (USA, Europe) [Proto]Dear paradadf, thank you for your response!
I didn't know about that function! Could you explain me a little more about it?
That sentence you wrote (
$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:region'
)... Need I to include at the end of my file? Replacing any of other sentences?I want to know more about all the functions of UXS, is there a manual or something similar to read about all of those options?
Thank you very much for your help! And sorry for my english, I'm spanish
kind regards
In you UXS-config.ini you can found all the scrape "profils".
You normally use this one : [ScreenScraper (MIX)-Recalbox v4]
In this section, look for this line :
$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|value'And replace it by :
$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:region'
$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:%FileNameBracket%' -
@NaSHoOo no hay problema!
I'm by far not an expert, but just read the forum
There is a UXS (something.ini) file next to the .exe of the scraper. You can find the elements in there and edit them if you want.There is a little bit about it on the wiki
https://github.com/Universal-Rom-Tools/Universal-XML-Scraper/wikiAnd a lot here on the forum.
OH yes and I'm on the V2 right now... So I'll make a nicer wiki with all the tuto ^^ (when it's done ^^)
Dear @screech ,
I have just one more question... as you can see in my first post, I've including flags into the final mix to identify the region of the game.
Thank you to your last explanation, I've solved my problem to identify roms name.
But I would like to continue including my flags images into the final mix.
Is there a way that UXS can identify the region of the rom, and put the right flag image into the final composition?
Something like:
UXS detects Super Mario 64 (USA).n64 and It includes ico-usa.png in the final mix, instead the other flags (all included in the mix .zip)
The flags are:
Obiously, I must change the size of this flags in the final composition
Thank you!
unfortunatly, not yet :S
But I put that in my todolist I'll add a function in the V2 to handle such picture
Ups, I've just tried your modification in the uxs-config.ini but it's not exactly what I need... I'm going to show you:
I have modified the $ELEMENT_8 as you explained:
But the name in the gamelist.xml is still the same, without the region in the name:
But, the modification you proposed, works to modify the name of the mixed images:
I don't need to modify the final image name, I need to modify the name field (<name>) in the gamelist.xml with the region of the game.
Because this name is what Recalbox shows in the TV, and it will show a list with three same names if I have 3 roms with tha same name, but different regions:
I have:
Super Mario 64 (EUR).n64
Super Mario 64 (JAP).n64
Super Mario 64 (USA).n64If I scrape this, the gamelist.xml will ad the same name for those roms: Super Mario 64
And I will see Super Mario 64 three times in my Recalbox list
Hope to explained better this time
The line you put in config try to "scrape" the country of your rom (from the Screenscraper Database) Sometime, the country is not filled so you don't have the information.
You must try the second choice :
$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:%FileNameBracket%'
With this option, it scrape the name. And put what is between bracket from the file name to the game name.
Exemple : If you have a file named : "SMario64 (EUR).n64" it will scrape the name (Super Mario 64) and put what is in bracket to the end of the name (EUR) so the final name will be : "Super Mario 64 (EUR)"
hope it's ok
I have tried also this option, but I'm getting the same result:
As you can see, i have added this modification to the UXS config:
But once scrapped, I've obtained the same results. Not region in the name's filed of gamelist.xml, only in the mix image:
Can you try to change the line 9 too ?
$ELEMENT_9 = 'name|value|nom|form:%FileNameBracket%'
Because if there is no name for your country, it take the "original" name.
I've made a few things, with the following results:
1st - The field <name> in gamelist.xml doesn't change using this:
$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:region'
$ELEMENT_9 = 'name|value|nom|value'2nd - The field <name> in gamelist.xml doesn't change using this:
$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:%FileNameBracket%'
$ELEMENT_9 = 'name|value|nom|value'3rd - The field <name> in gamelist.xml dissapear (yes, not showing the name tag) using this:
$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|form:%FileNameBracket%'
$ELEMENT_9 = 'name|value|nom|form:%FileNameBracket%'or this
$ELEMENT_8 = 'name|value|noms/nom_%%|value'
$ELEMENT_9 = 'name|value|nom|form:%FileNameBracket%'Any idea?
I need to check normally the 3rd one must work :S
Problem solved!
I'm a BIG DUMB! xD
Thinking that I had the last version...
Thank you very much @screech