seems to me mednafen is not yet interesting on pi
No NBA Live Game is working on PSX-Emulator
i downloaded some NBA Live Roms for PSX, NBA Live 2000, 2001, 2003 and 99! None of these Roms are working. After the loading-Bar is complete, it freezes. Is there a solution? Testet on PC with ePSXe, all working fine.
Try to launch the game on .cue instead of .bin if you have not already tried
Tried, non of them worked! Hmm..
Is there a way to use an different PSX Emulator? N64 and Snes i can choose one.
no, we only have psxrearmed in Recalbox.
OK. Do you plan to integrate other ones?
seems to me mednafen is not yet interesting on pi
What version is, @VanDutch? Pal or NTSC?
@paradadf was so kind and tested NBA Live '96 [NTSC-U] and NBA Live '99 [NTSC-U] and the first one was working just fine and the second one froze after the menu. I will test all NBA Games from 99-03 today.
Tested also NBA Live 98, freezes after Menu. Why does it freeze?????? Does not make a difference if it is PAL or NTSC!
You can create an issue directly to inform the respective developers: -
Here are the test results (tested on latest RBX Version on a PI3):
NBA Live 96 (USA): Working
NBA Live 97 (USA): Working
NBA Live 98 (USA): Working, BUT controller is not recognized (makes it unplayable | tested in Arcade Cabinet with Xin-Mo)
NBA Live 99 (G): Not Working (freezes in first Menu)
NBA Live 00 (USA): Not Working (freezes on first loading screen)
NBA Live 03 (USA): Not Working (freezes on first Menu)I converted all games to
, before I tested themI already updated my PSX Games Compatibility Sheet
may be help for your list : and
and may be add add a column for SLXXXX -xxxxx or SLPSxxxx-xxxxxxx code in sheet. -
HI @acris
thanks for the link, but that is a list for the PSX Emulator, right? In that case it won't really help, just like the ePSXe" compatibillity list, because most of the games that are working on a PC with the above mentioned emulators might not run with our build-in emulator on RBX.
The SLxxx Codes are not needed, because the Game Names have the Countries already inside.