^^ @paradadf, May i understand you doesn't like my proposition for arcades machines ? :D. (I not a big fan now. It's my first work on AI after... 5 years doesn't use it ^^. I'm sur we can make beter
. For your propositions, it's prety good. Maybe we can change the number of buttons... The color of arcade machine... And for me, your proposition is more a bartop than a arcade machine... But if you want help us, (and before add alternative), you can contribute on the missing systems :).
@reivaax please, don't understand me wrong
I like your theme, but there ir always room for improvement and I'm just trying to give some alternatives. The colors, number of buttons, etc were just a way to show you how it might look like when finished. Actually, I tried to come up with something for the MSX variants, but as I'm learning to use AI by doing, my work wasn't nearly as good as the other vectorized computers. The result was rather depressing XD I think, the main reason why nobody has worked on MSX is because it isn't clear which version should be vectorized, and there as so many!!! For the things I "draw", it was mostly looking on the internet for pictures and converting them to vectors. If you say, your worked with AI after 5 years without using it, well... I've never used it or any other vector drawing software before. And I didn't ask you to write my name on the list because I didn't want to take the space for someone that can do it better. Anyway, thanks for the great work with the recalbox theme. I like it very much!!!
@paradadf, no problems, it's joke ;). Juste for that :
And I didn’t ask you to write my name on the list because I didn’t want to take the space for someone that can do it better.
The list is juste for say you are working on it. Look my arcade propositions, it's not perfect but is better than nothing. Today, the target is to have full systems support. After, we look for give better proposition in the template if we can :). Please, add you name on the gdoc if you work on a new machine. And yes, MSX is not only one machine but a lot of... But if you look on wikipedia or google image, you can find the most "popular" hardware :).
Ok then, I'll do my best!
@reivaax I made a PR for msx1, msx2, apple2 and msx. By msx, the console is the only thing missing, as I don't know what would be better... Either a completly new one or some sort of mix from the msx1 and msx2 variants (for instance, half-half with a diagonal cut of the two parts?) EDIT: I decided to vectorized a new msx computer instead, as it looks better that way. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="320"]
msx1_preview[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="320"]
msx2_preview[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="320"]
msx_preview (MSX 1-2-2+)[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="239"]
@paradadf thanks it look great, we will add that soon
Vu le très grand nombre de roms pour l'arcade, et comme cela a déjà été fait pour la Neo Geo, serait-il envisageable de séparer les différents systèmes/marques ? Par exemple : System 16 de Sega, CPS1 à CPS3 de Capcom, Cave, Irem, Konami, Namco...
La neo geo est séparée parce que c'était aussi une console. Pour le reste je ne suis pas un décideur mais j'y suis férocement opposé. Imagine là dans cinq minutes je me dis tiens je me ferais un bien un petit Night Slashers ou un Donkey Kong Jr sur arcade si on séparait en différents systèmes je devrais soit connaître la liste de leur jeux par coeur, soit parcourir 10 ou 15 systèmes différents avant d'espérer retrouver mon jeu. En plus y'a des systèmes où y'a une dizaine de jeu à tout péter, voire moins. Accessoirement si on enlève les roms filles il n'y pas beaucoup plus de roms arcade que de roms dans le romset SNES ou pire NES complets ... Pour faciliter la navigation, un truc bien pratique qui je pense n'est pas précisé dans la doc, mais en faisant L1 et R1 ça correspond à des PageUp / PageDown dans la liste des roms d'un système
Certains systèmes comme le System 16 de Sega ou le CPS2 de Capcom comportent bien assez de jeux pour être séparés. Après, c'est vrai que dans le cas de Irem par exemple, il vaudrait mieux mettre tous leurs systèmes (+ de 50 jeux, et des bons comme les R-Type et Hammerin' Harry) sous la bannière Irem Arcade. Sinon c'est possible de le faire manuellement ? Perso, je trouverais ça bien plus pratique, d'autant + que certains éditeurs/systèmes sont bien spécialisés (baston sur CPS2).
@Hag Mike, Je t'avoue que ce ne serait pas vraiment difficile de le faire mais déjà qu'on a du mal a expliquer aux gens le fonctionnement des émulateurs arcade, si on doit rajouter l'explication des différentes machines, sa va être des galères en plus... Maintenant, pourquoi pas imaginer un petit wiki pour ajouter soit même ces machines dans recalbox... Si tu veux pousser les thèmes pour chaques systeme arcade, je te fais le wiki pour les activer :D. Mais je pense personnellement que cela doit rester du cadre du custom maison pour éviter de compliquer encore un peu plus l'affaire ^^. Recalbox ce veut tout de même le plus facile d'accès possible mais l'arcade reste la principale source de questionnement quotidien sur l'irc ^^. Une petite "astuce" si s'en est une, ajouter des sous dossiers dans le dossier rom arcade par system. Ce ne sera pas aussi sexy qu'un theme dedié mais sa te permettra d'arriver sur une liste de dossiers par systeme arcade ;). @paradadf, Verry nice work men !
You realy a newbie on AI ? ^^ Your apple II is realy nice and good job for the exercise of msx :). I add your informations in the gdoc (i doesn't add the right on it for add you but i can edit it for you ;)). Normaly tomorrow we can merge it and i add your export svg :). Tank's a lot for your contribution :). If you want try the commodore 64 :p. And me i need to finish the lutro system grrr ^^. @zarroun are you ok with amiga systems ? It's to hard ? We are realy near to finish the illustrations of recalbox theme. tank's a lot for all the contributors ! You are realy great guyz ! :). Nice community project :).
@reivaax you can put my name on the commodore 64... I will work on it as soon as possible.
@paradadf it's good. But take your time, it's for the 4.0.1 Build ;).
And Commodore 64 is finished
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="800"]
So nice !
Thank you @paradadf I exported to svg your .ai files and I'll make C64 theme this weekend.
I took the existing SNES controller svg file (not created by me) and refined it a bit, plus updated the colorway for both USA and Euro. It is tested working on a RP3 running RecalBox 4.0 B3. I don't know how to add these files to the theme on github and I can't upload SVG files here, so here is a dropbox link to them: [UPDATE] For those wanting to contribute and are LOST (like me), I discovered a great guide how to submit contributions with Github. On page 4 (#22278) of this thread user @reivaax made a fantastic guide. Moderator - please make reivaax post a sticky on how to contribute to this awesome project: #22278
Hey guys, have you thought about creating a unified theme for all the ports, instead of having CaveStory, Doom, Super Mario War (I saw the PR), or any other in the future separated? For every loaded system, RAM is needed, right?
Yep @paradadf it is in the to do list. We'll think about that during dev of the 4.1 version.
@munskey tanks for your contribution and for your idea for my "tutorial". It's a light tutorial good for light contribution on github for this project. I add a link to my tutorial on the first post of this topic but i doesn't create a specific topic because, we made a new one after, with this light solution or for bigger contribution, with command line or gui software...
MSX theme will be add to the next release ? It's not noticed here : It will be nice
Paradadf's job is nice