30 Apr 2022, 13:41

@alvin said in Hide Pre-Installed does not hide Ports:

And for me it's still a stupid decision, because on Recalbox 6 I deleted all preinstalled Games und it was still running even without any Game.
And whats the Problem with someone who wants to build a Recalbox for his Kids ?
Do you want your 4 year old Daughter playing a Game where you're running around shooting Humans, Demons an other Monsters ? (Yes I mean Doom, it's preinstalled and you can't hide it)

It's maybe a stupid decision, but it's a dev decision. If you delete all games, ES can crash and users would claim "i have deleted preinstalled games and it crashed". Man can think it's also a stupid decision. Wanting and coding are 2 different things.

No problem to build a recalbox for children : you don't want Doom ? you select your doom game, you can hide it. So what ?
A new time, where is the problem ?
You can check it as you want, you can hide your games.

On every release, we can read : wow this version is the worst, i prefer the older ones. Even on your so beloved v6 release.

ES is like Pokémon, it's evolving. And evolved versions are more powerfull than the base one.

Everyone can create the recalbox he wants : with former versions, with preinstalled games or not, with the pads he wants.

BUT, the Recalbox someone is using is not the perfect Recalbox for another user.

So, if the team has to choose the way to develop the project, users should just respect the team's choices.