very poor developer decision. Specially for parents that are making this retroconsoles for young kids. Literally makes no sense
I understand your revolt, but please understand that it is not something as simple as it seems, the development of an operating system goes through several stages in which for an evolution in general, sometimes it is necessary to temporarily give up some resources, and unfortunately it was that's the case.
It's not like the developers wanted this to happen, it's something that they were forced into the development process and had to choose to evolve a lot of features and give that one up, or keep everything as it was just for the sake of it.
You can follow the tips given above and you will get what you want, even if unfortunately not the easiest way.
In old Versions of Recalbox (I'm still using Recalbox 6 on my Raspberry Pi 3B+) you could simply delete the preinstalled Games and they never showed up again..
Didn't know why they changed that.
On Windows XP I was able to move the taskbar to the sides or to the top, and on Windows 11 I can't. I'm sure you don't understand why either.
Microsoft, with a giant team (where everyone gets paid for their work), numerous resources, which sells its operating system, went through this situation that I mentioned before, and decided to launch a new system, without a resource that seems basic and already existed previously.
The Recalbox team, formed by a small team, with extremely limited resources, which depends on the participation of volunteers who do not earn anything for it, and still distributes its system for free, deserves to be harshly criticized and constantly charged as if it were a case of life or death?
It is not possible to understand when you are not the developer, when you have not been part of the development process, and have not analyzed the source code. If anyone finds a definitive solution in the source code, that doesn't affect more important features, please explain and tag any team members or active moderators.
It's very easy to superficially analyze, not understand, and charge because you don't understand. Developing an operating system is extremely complex, developing code, testing, distributing it for free, and still being charged by someone who has already made it clear they don't understand, is demotivating.
If you would like to receive an operating system for back-emulation for free, please appreciate it and support the team. Of course, we appreciate positive feedback, but we also understand negative feedback, as long as it occurs constructively, flagging issues and suggestions for improvement are welcome as long as they are done in a polite manner.
If you just want to criticize, don't do it here, use your own social networks, because this space is also distributed for free by the Recalbox team, but it serves to clear up doubts from users, not for destructive criticism of the system being distributed for free with so much effort.
Please don't think, "Just because it's free doesn't have to be bad," because that's not the point. The point is "It's free because the developers do it because they love retro-emulation and want to share it with everyone, and they try their best even for free", so how about acknowledging all the positives instead of just emphatically criticizing the points you don't like?
Finally, to clarify better, the developer team is working on this situation, testing the possibility of hiding all games unless there is no game installed, which would solve the situation. But it's in the testing phase and I'm not a developer, so I can't say that it will be possible, nor when this feature will be released.
But, it's not like it's been forgotten, it hasn't been resolved yet because it's not as simple as it sounds, especially when you have a small team that only works in their spare time and with limited resources.