19 Dec 2021, 11:19

I was turning mad as most NTSC systems didn't start giving an error about missin bios or other causes, but I finally found the problem:

I'm using a crt TV via RGBPi cable and the image was shifted to the upper side of the screen. The default value on recalbox.conf for system.crt.vertical_offset is -3, so I changed it to 0 but the screen was still slightly offset, so I tried using other values (1,2,3), but then any NTSC game or system, including the 240p suite ones, doesn't start. Only PAL or portable console systems can be started. As soon as I change the value back to 0 or negative values all works fine again. I've even tried using +1, +2, +3... but it fails the same way.

Tell me if you need more information to reproduce the problem.