Write-Back is not provided. I have just looked at the config files ... negative ...
Back in the days when the Amiga was not yet officially supported, this was included in the configgen:
# ------------ detect changes in remaining games files for backuping saves ------------
print("Backup changed files from %s to %s" %(mountPointWHDL,os.path.join(romFolder,gameName)))
Something similar is missing. Unfortunately.
The question would be how to get the highscore or savegame file INTO the .LHA file. Probably something would have to be adjusted in amiberryWHDConfig.py. It would have to be checked whether a file has changed (this is stored temporarily in /tmp/amiga/whdboot/save-data/Savegames/whdloadgame/).
a) The extension must recognise if a file is contained.
b) move this file into the LHA at the same place
c) to be on the safe side, make sure that there is nothing in /tmp/.../whdloadgame/ - but also in the savegame directory under /share/ ... otherwise there could be conflicts. Unfortunately I don't know how to write something in an LHA - especially it has to be in the right place. I can create the LHA so that it has a subdirectory or not - but that should not matter to the script/command...
Creative ideas?
Probably this is even a bug - a write-back is actually provided by WHDLoad - if I have understood correctly so far - the emulator must only be closed CORRECTLY (correct exit command: ExecuteCleanup=C:UAEquit ...). but unfortunately that doesn't work either )