Overclocking Pi4 with recalbox 7
@sergioad Yes, I can confirm arm_freq=2100 is not viable too. measure_clock arm is reporting same strange frequency of 600 MHz as 2147 MHz OC for me.
Pi Case 40 is amazing. Totally passive and well build solution. It has slick power button from factory. Can throw it into my backpack without worries that something broke and play during brakes at work, during party at my friends palace... Just love it, worth of every penny.
@Kruton I thought so, I also had issues at 2100, could a higher clock solve the problem? (I am thinking like the higher clocks could act like a save file bypassing a corrupt part of a game rather than a speaker adding noice at higher volume) righ now a pi could easily be overclocked at 2300 (I do not do it for safety) so it is worth the try
About the case I agree, sadly I could not configure the power button
This post is deleted! -
Ok friends, I fixed my ES hang ups, I dialed back my pi to 1950 MHz and incremented the over voltage to 9 while keeping GPU the same at 750 and this far I have not had any ES hang up.
If you want my troubleshooting script package from when ES was failing that much HERE it is.
I hope with the findings of the community something could be made to solve the over 2000 issues, I prefer by much Recalbox to the other solutions and not being tied by this bugs would be awesome.
Here are my settings:
arm_freq=1950 gpu_freq=750 over_voltage=9 -
@sergioad i'm not familiar with overclocking the pi 4, but in the documentation i found this about the overvoltage
CPU/GPU core voltage adjustment. The value should be in the range [-16, 8] which equates to the range [0.8V, 1.4V] with 0.025V steps. In other words, specifying -16 will give 0.8V as the GPU/core voltage, and specifying 8 will give 1.4V. For defaults see table below. Values above 6 are only allowed when force_turbo is specified: this sets the warranty bit if over_voltage_* is also set.
if this is correct, the maximum value of overvoltage is 8?
and what about force turbo do you have enable it?
@rollbrett no, there are people running pis at over voltage 11, I use 9 on mine because the 8 GB model of the pi needs even more than the usual be 6 because it needs to acomidate the larger amount of RAM, in a 4 or 2 GB model 6 or 7 is more than enough, I have not enabled turbo
@sergioad said in Overclocking Pi4 with recalbox 7:
@rollbrett no, there are people running pis at over voltage 11, I use 9 on mine because the 8 GB model of the pi needs even more than the usual be 6 because it needs to acomidate the larger amount of RAM, in a 4 or 2 GB model 6 or 7 is more than enough, I have not enabled turbo
If you didn't enable the
, maybe your voltage9
is seen as a6
? -
@LapinFou Ip sincerely doubt it
- topic:timeago_later,9 days
I did not tested it by myself. But from official documentation and some forum posts by official staff, over_voltage bigger than 6 can be only activated when force_turbo is enabled. It is even possible to go over official limits by using parameter current_limit_override. But you are risking voiding your warranty if anything goes terribly wrong...
Source: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=6201&start=325#p170793
- topic:timeago_later,2 months
@ian57 said in Overclocking Pi4 with recalbox 7:
@phimjohn config.txt file only but be very carreful... be sure tu have a good cooling heatsink fan system, because Pi4 heats up a lot.
so whers this config.txt file in recalbox can you help me ???
@deneme Please read the topic, this is described a few posts above, you just have to read...
@Zing said in Overclocking Pi4 with recalbox 7:
To edit the config.txt file, you must connect via SSH:
To login via SSH:
- https://recalbox.gitbook.io/documentation/v/francais/tutoriels/systeme/acces/acces-root-via-terminal
- https://recalbox.gitbook.io/documentation/v/francais/tutoriels/systeme/acces/acces-reseau-via-winscp
To access a partition in write mode: