7 Jan 2021, 12:15

rotate nest pas en charge par raspberry pi 4

c est ceci que tu as appliqué ?

To rotate your HyperPixel4 you must edit /boot/config. txt and change the following lines: Change dtoverlay=hyperpixel4 to dtoverlay=hyperpixel4:rotate.$
$$Rotation on Pi 4
HyperPixel4 is a portait display, so on first boot it will start in portrait mode with the USB ports at the top.

On Pi 4 we can take advantage of the rotation available in Display Configuration, and provide you with a command for setting both display and touch rotation together.

To rotate HyperPixel4 on a Pi 4 use the hyperpixel4-rotate command.

Landscape mode, HDMI/power ports on the bottom:

hyperpixel4-rotate left
Landscape mode, HDMI/power ports on the top:

hyperpixel4-rotate right
Portrait mode, USB ports on the top:

hyperpixel4-rotate normal
Portrait mode, USB ports on the bottom:

hyperpixel4-rotate inverted
If you're running this command over SSH you should prefix it with DISPLAY=:0.0

180 Degree Rotation on Pi 3
Note: You must build the latest dtoverlay file to enable rotation support:

Go into src
run make to build a new hyperpixel4.dtbo with rotation support
copy the overlay with sudo cp hyperpixel4.dtbo /boot/overlays/
To rotate your HyperPixel4 you must edit /boot/config.txt and change the following lines:

Change dtoverlay=hyperpixel4 to dtoverlay=hyperpixel4:rotate
Change display_rotate=3 to display_rotate=1
This will rotate both the display and the touchscreen input to match.

If you're using a non-touchscreen HyperPixel4 you need only change display_rotate.
https://github.com/pimoroni/hyperpixel4#:~:text=To rotate your HyperPixel4 you,hyperpixel4 to dtoverlay%3Dhyperpixel4%3Arotate