I delete rom and even the entire folder colecovision. But after restarting the system, it appears again. How to kill her?
Solved Recalbox 7.0.1 How delete colecovision?
I delete rom and even the entire folder colecovision. But after restarting the system, it appears again. How to kill her?
in ssh with putty, copy paste this line :
mount -o remount,rw /
delete file games & gamelist.xml in
@acris said in Recalbox 7.0.1 How delete colecovision?:
in ssh with putty, copy paste this line :
mount -o remount,rw /
delete file games & gamelist.xml in
Thanks! It worked!
I have that problem too, where i delete systems i don't want, but they show up again. A simple fix is to just delete the contents of the rom folder but, leave the empty folder there. So nothing shows up the main menu now, and because the folder is still there- the system won't try to put anything back.
Another bug is, deleted games STAY in the menu selection no matter what. I have to actually edit it out of the gameslist.xml to make it go away.
i have the same problem, expecially with all the included homebrew roms - they show up from time to time again, so that i have to erase them over and over again... probably a bug in version 7, i hope it will be fixed
@neo207 If you don't want an entire system to appear, delete the ROMS and gamelist.xml, but keep the system folder, as was said in this post.
If you delete the folder, the system will recreate it. It is not a bug: it is the way the system is configured to act, to avoid problems when the user accidentally deletes an entire folder (or deletes it intentionally and regrets it later).@SkullGrin There is a known bug about games being deleted and still appearing on the gamelist, it has no direct relationship with how to delete a system, see this post: https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/21952/game-list-visibility-after-delete-roms