I went from 6.1.1 RPi3 to 7 RPi4 looking forward to better performance and more systems. Saturn implementation especially.
Well, no Saturn.
Dosbox runs 10x worse than on the previous setup. It's an unplayable slideshow. Exiting a game kicks you into the DOS environment instead of Emulation Station. Not practical for those using a couch/controller setup.
Nestopia also plays worse. Not as bad as Dosbox, but I'm seeing a lot of j**kiness in scrolling games like Castlevania.
Can't find the resources/splash folder that contains the videos anymore - despite looking in every directory. It's usually the first thing I delete to get a clean, simple boot, with one load screen. Now I'm forced into a splash video, a pac-man themed splash screen, then a loading screen. The splash screen also pops up every time a game is selected. Why? The RecalBox branding is already on the loading screen. It was getting pretty silly at default already, but at least we could tone it down before.
I usually tweak settings directly through the config files, but setting "global.smooth=1" in recalbox.conf breaks bilinear filtering. It will not activate. Using the interface doesn't enable it either. In fact, I have no idea how to turn it on at all.
And that's as far as I got. Not sure what other systems are impacted negatively since I decided to downgrade. I'm glad I still have my 6.1.1 image saved, but the RecalBox team should have the old images available for download. Especially for those who want to play DOS or silky smooth NES games.