9 Mar 2020, 11:38

@mrayzarc create a new .pbp file with psx2psp tool, [do not add extra pics etc like psp imports] (also set compression level to 1=worst) I don't think bios files load from the system folder when you are running a .pbp file, the main reasion is emulator cannot recognize correctly the pbp extention to load the bios file for the games.. which means in specific certan game you may have problem with saves or memory cards, (bios side problems)

.pbp file should load even without bios files without triggering problems..
But yes bios files recommented so place them into folder just in case.

also i cannot understand why you have all that huge file name for a single game
" 007 - Der Morgen stirbt nie.PBP[pbp]. " go for "007_DER_MORGEN.PBP"
Without Quotes