No automatic update from stable 18.07.13? Must do a backup of all and fresh install downloading the image from the web?
Recalbox 6.0 is OUT! Codename: Dragonblaze
Let's celebrate this long awaited release!
- Raspberry Pi3b+ & CM3 compatibility
- Updated emulator names! catsfc -> snes9x2005, pocketsnes -> snes9x2002, snes9x_next -> snes9x2010, pce -> mednafen_pce_fast, vb -> mednafen_vb, imame -> mame2000, mame078 -> mame2003, fba -> fbalpha
- New emulator! Pokemon Mini on all systems (RetroArch core: libretro-pokemini)
- New emulator! Mattel Intellivision on all systems (RetroArch core: libretro-freeintv)
- New emulator! Fairchild Channel-F on all systems (RetroArch core: libretro-freechanf)
- New emulator! Atari Jaguar on x86/64 (RetroArch core: libretro-virtualjaguar)
- New emulator! MGT Sam Coupé on all systems (Standalone simcoupe)
- New emulator! Tangerine Oric/Atmos and later clones on all raspberry (Standalone oricutron)
- New emulator! Atari 8bits series on all systems (800, XL, XE) and Atari 5200 console (RetroArch core: libretro-atari800) - Thanks to Dubbows!
- New emulator! PC-FX emulator on x86 and XU4 systems (Retroarch core: libretro-beetle-pcfx)
- New emulator! PC-98xx series on all systems but odroidC2 (Retroarch core: libretro-np2kai)
- New System! SNES extensions Satellaview and SuFami Turbo added as own systems
- New System! NeoGeo CD with audio track support (via RetroArch core libretro-fba)
- New System! Amiga CD32 with audio track support (via Amiberry)
- New Core! Added mame2003-plus libretro core. A MAME078 version with added games support plus many fixes and improvements. DAT files available in rom folder
- New free game! "Mission: Liftoff" for Thomson emulator.
- New free game! "Flower" for Amiga emulator.
- New Capcom RB intro video
- New PCEngine intro video
- Add support for Mayflash GameCube adapter
- Add 7z file support for many libretro cores
- Add overlay possibility for advmame core
- Add new Screensaver "DEMO" to play continuously random games (Press START/ENTER to play the current game)
- KODI updated to 17.6
- Youtube plugin for KODI updated to 6.3.1
- Joypads management updated, mostly impacting joypads advertising as a complete keyboard.
- Preconfigured gamepads file rewritten
- x86: Now requires a CPU that can handle at least SSE and SS2 (Core2duo and higher)
- x86: Add support for newer AMD GPU
- Retroarch updated to version 1.7.6!
- Retroarch cheats updated to version 1.7.6!
- Emulator updated! 4DO updated to lastest revision. Also available on Rpi3 (3B+ recommended).
- Emulator updated! Amiberry (Amiga) - Huge up! Add supports of IPF, RP9, CD, zip, 7z & Retroarch pad configuration - Available also on Odroid XU4.
- Emulator updated! DoxBox updated to December 2018 version.
- Emulator updated! ScummVM and ResidualVM updated to January 2019 versions.
- Libretro core updated! 81 (EX-81) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Atari800 (Atari 5200Atari 8bits) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Beetle Lynx (Atari Lynx) updated to latest version. Support Headerless roms.
- Libretro core updated! Beetle NGP (Neo Geo Pocket/Color) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Beetle PCE (PCEngine-CD) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Beetle PSX (Playstation 1) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Beetle PSX-HW (Playstation 1) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Beetle SGX (PCE/PCE-CD/SGX) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Beetle VB (Virtual Boy) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Beetle Wonderswan (Wonderswan/Color) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! BlueMSX (MSX) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Caprice32 (Amstrad) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Crocods (Amstrad) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! DeSmuME (NDS) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! FBA Libretro core updated to latest version. Recommended Romset:
- Libretro core updated! FCEUmm (Nintendo NES) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! fMSX (MSX) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! FreeIntV (Intellivision) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Fuse (ZX Spectrum) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Gambatte (Nintendo GB/Color) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Genesis Plus GX (Sega MD/GG/MS/CD) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! GNupeN64 (Nintendo64) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! GPSP (Nintendo GBA) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! GW (Game & Watch) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Handy (Atari Lynx) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Hatari (Atari ST) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! iMAME (Mame 2000) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Lutro (Lua Game Engine) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! MAME2003 (Mame 2003) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! MAME2010 (Mame 2010) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! MelonDS (NDS) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! mGBA (Nintendo GBA) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Nestopia (Nintendo NES) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! NxEngine (Cave Story) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! O2EM (Odyssey²) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! PCSX (Playstation 1) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Picodrive (Sega MS/MD/CD/32X) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! PocketSnes (Nintendo SNES) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! PrBoom (Doom engine) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! ProSystem (Atari 7800) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Px68k (Sharp X68000) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! QuickNES (Nintendo NES) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Snes9x (Nintendo SNES) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Snes9x2005 (Nintendo SNES, formerly CatSFC) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Snes9x2010 (Nintendo SNES, formerly Snes9x-Next) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Stella (Atari 2600) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! TGBDual (Nintendo GB/Color) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Theodore (Thomson) - Supports now TO8, TO8D, TO9, TO9+ & MO5 machines
- Libretro core updated! VecX (Vectrex) updated to latest version.
- Libretro core updated! Vice (Commodores 8bits) updated to latest version.
- GPIO arcade driver upgraded: now support I2C and GPIO reconfiguring from the command line
- EmulationStation: Now automatically reboots once the upgrade is ready
- "overlays" folder and roms subfolders automatically created
- Updated all MAME hiscore/cheat files in bios folder - Thanks to olivierdroid92!
- Static IP configuration available for WIFI connections (in recalbox.conf)
- Add support for AZERTY/QWERTY virtual keyboards
- ScummVM/ResidualVM now use Recalbox pad configurations
- bluetooth detection on Odroid XU4
- bluetooth recovery on Odroid XU4
- EmulationStation: better cyrillic display
- EmulationStation: fix scraped folders display
- MSX Emulator: Fixed Bluemsx core
- PS3/PS4 pads are working now
- SSH is now working when moving the share on Fat32/exFat partitions
- Recalbox sends 0000 to BT devices asking for pincode
- WIFI settings saved in a more secure way
- EmulationStation: Keep current position when deleting games
- EmulationStation: No crash when deleting last game from a system
Congratulation!! Thanks for your great GREAT work !! Our dreams ... your reality!
No automatic update from stable 18.07.13? Must do a backup of all and fresh install downloading the image from the web?
Absolutely yes! You must to do a fresh install. No update from 18.07.13. -
Really?? A clean install???? i don't know what folders must i backup for keep my roms, scrappes, kodi addons, configs......any good guide???
Will these instructions work with the new Recalbox version?
probably, but not necessary to install these scripts anymore:just uncomment following line in recalbox.conf and safe power off and soft reset with retroflag cases will work:
------------ A - System Options -----------
Uncomment the system.power.switch you use
system.power.switch=PIN356ONOFFRESET -
@lhari84 Thanks! I'll try it.
Guys, you are heroes! Great work, all functions i'm using tested so far, everything works fine! Thanks for implementing dpad function in mame2003 plus too
I recognized just one cosmetic issue that isn't a big thing at all:
At 2 of about 6 startups there was no intro video - just black screen and version number before ES was started up. maybe one of the intro videos is broken, can't tell...I've updated from RC3 on Pi3 B+
@lhari84 said in Recalbox 6.0 is OUT! Codename: Dragonblaze:
Guys, you are heroes! Great work, all functions i'm using tested so far, everything works fine! Thanks for implementing dpad function in mame2003 plus too
I recognized just one cosmetic issue that isn't a big thing at all:
At 2 of about 6 startups there was no intro video - just black screen and version number before ES was started up. maybe one of the intro videos is broken, can't tell...I've updated from RC3 on Pi3 B+
Have now rebooted many times and couldn‘t reproduce it anymore. no idea what it was. saw every video, old ones, new ones and even latest konami. so please ignore my last post.
Hi, thanks for the release. Is Xbox one bluetooth controller support ever gonna happen?
Great job
But i have little problems with the new version :
I have lost all my scrapped games. When i copy the roms with the box art/images i have previoously scrapped, The system don't recognised it...
So i try to scrappe manually and the recalbox freeze...
If I have to scrapp all manually again it will be hellAnd maybe I will return to previous build.
Congratulations all devs!
shaders not working yet, please you can see this? -
@morveyvan You have to move both images and gamelist.xml files
@jordanpi not yet but we're working on this issue
@bkg2k Any chance we could get some kind of tutorial on how to move the games and images from the previous set up to the new one? I need help! Thanks either way!
Hi guys,
I am having problems with my two controllers 8bitdo sn30 they pair but after a short time while entering the game unpair and so I can not play, is someone experiencing this same problem?
Congrats and thanks SO MUCH for such a great effort! Well appreciated and respected!
Just one thing; not working shaders are really a trouble, as "xHardcore" said here.. It's quite boring to set a shader from the beginning, each time on a game play.. Please have it fixed someday soon!
Many thanks!
You guys ROCK! Thanks for this amazing release.