@paradadf Please read what I just wrote! I said I loaded a new USB with the FEB release. Recal loads and then nothing responds.
New to Recalbox....Launching games goes to blank screen + Audio output only has 'Auto' as an option
@nilocretep I‘m afk so I can‘t look into your files now. I‘ll do it asap.
@nilocretep please, as I told you before, try our latest beta.
https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/16576/february-2019-beta-version -
@paradadf I did try it...same results. System crashes as soon as I launch any game.
Do you want me to try to load it again and post the archive anyways? I just figured whatever error is causing this would be the same on both versions.
Thanks -
@nilocretep new drivers came with the beta so if you want to have the chance to ger it working, install it, try launching some games, remap your gamepad and create a support file afterwards in case you still can‘t play.
@paradadf Hmmmm....so I loaded the December release...it prompted that an update was available. I ran the update, it said it needed to reboot....and nothing. black screen. Multiple attempts to get back in, nothing.
Decided to try a new USB with the new Feb image. It loads into Recalbox and then nothing works. Can't remap a gamepad....can't navigate with a keyboard or mouse....can't connect in via http://recalbox.
It's too bad.....this looks awesome, but I'm not having a lot of luck here. -
@nilocretep please, read the instructions!!! It says explicitly to NOT UPDATE the beta. And there is a february release, so please... please, install the latest beta.
@paradadf Please read what I just wrote! I said I loaded a new USB with the FEB release. Recal loads and then nothing responds.
@nilocretep You never said what kind of gamepad you're using. Recalbox doesn't support keyboard as a game device.
Depending on the gamepad there might be some configuration to do before using it.
@nilocretep I‘m trying to help you, and whenever I ask you something you answer giving a support archive of a version I didn‘t ask, you try another beta, you don‘t mention if you remapped your gamepad and saying the february beta doesn‘t respond at all but the christmas beta does (but nothing launches) means you are not even flashing/installing recalbox properly.
If you can‘t make recalbox boot and respond with the february beta to create a support archive, I am sorry but there is nothing I can do.
The only thing it occurs to me would be to, after getting the same behaviour, to try your usb in another pc and see what happens. -
SNES gamepad.
The Christmas release seems to be working now. Perhaps it was the USB? I don't know...it was the 3rd one I attempted. Maybe I'll be bold and try the Feb release with that same USB now. Recalbox now detects the audio device and launches games. So thanks for your help. One thing I've noticed is the games aren't smooth. Not an input lag, but almost like it's dropping frames or something of that nature. Any quick tips on how I can fix that? Would that be a Game Ratio setting? These same games/Roms run fine through Lakka...so I don't think it's the PC.
Thanks -
@nilocretep no idea. Try it on another pc and compare. It might be something isn‘t fully supported in our build.