@zing I posted the howto on using modern controls only to then realize that I'm limited to the shareware version. That was completely unexpected. I'm now using retropie for Quake. But it's always a tradeoff: retropie doesn't seem to have a libretro core for Wolfenstein3D. Both recalbox and retropie are fantastic but neither is perfect.
Posts made by tuxophil
RE: Ports Quake Trouble in Recalbox 8
(Howto) Quake/TyrQuake and Doom/PrBoom with modern controls (dual stick)
Due to the rather complex configuration options of recalbox/retroarch it took me quite some time (six years, as it seems
) to figure out how to actually play Quake and Doom using modern control schemes, i.e. using a dual stick controller (Xbox or Logitech F710) mapped as follows: left analog stick to move forward/back or strafe left/right and the right stick to turn / look / aim and attacking with the right trigger.
The solution is almost trivially easy, once you know where to look:
- Launch the game. (The core is either Libretro-PrBoom for Doom or Libretro-TyrQuake for Quake.)
- Hit Hotkey+B which on a Xbox-type controller should actually be Select+A. This opens Retroarch's Quickmenu.
- Go down to "Controls" and open it.
- By default the "Device Type" is set to "Gamepad Classic". Change it to "Gamepad Modern".
- Enjoy! You may resume your game and try out the control scheme. (It works just fine!)
- Again in the Quickmenu choose "Save Core Remap File" in order to preserve the control scheme for the next launches.
7. In case of PrBoom (and probably also for Quake) the remapped controls are actually stored separately from your game files, more precisely there is a new file/recalbox/share/system/.config/retroarch/config/remaps/PrBoom/PrBoom.rmp
with the following contents, at least on my system:input_libretro_device_p1 = "773" input_libretro_device_p2 = "1" input_libretro_device_p3 = "1" input_libretro_device_p4 = "1" input_libretro_device_p5 = "1" input_player1_analog_dpad_mode = "1" input_player2_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_player3_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_player4_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_player5_analog_dpad_mode = "0" input_remap_port_p1 = "0" input_remap_port_p2 = "1" input_remap_port_p3 = "2" input_remap_port_p4 = "3" input_remap_port_p5 = "4"
If you want to keep this customization together with your game files, it's best to use Recalbox's configuration override system. Just move/rename the above
file to/recalbox/share/roms/ports/Doom/.retroarch.cfg
and you're set.One final note: By default Recalbox's Libretro-TyrQuake inverts the y axis, a setting that I find essential when playing with mouse&keyboard, but that I can't stand when using a controller. This setting can be changed by using the Quickmenu: Options / Invert Y Axis. Set it to "ON" to turn the inversion off. (Yes, there's a logic bug somewhere...) Alternatively, and that's what I prefer, add a configuration override file
with the following contents:tyrquake_invert_y_axis = "enabled"
(All of the above is current as of Recalbox-8.0.1.)
RE: impossible de lancer kodi
@zing Merci pour cette explication (mal documentée). J'ai le même souci que @une-fille-etoilee: Kodi est essentiel pour moi.
Donc si quelqu'un avait un lien vers une image RPi2 de 7.x je serais très reconnaissant, parce que mon ancien setup que je voulais mettre à jour date de ... 2016. -
RE: Kodi no longer included?
Hm, I've just found a post that says, in essence, that for most Raspberry Pi systems, Kodi is no longer available:
https://forum.recalbox.com/post/174579To be honest I'm a bit shocked. Is there anywhere a download for the most recent RPi2 image with Kodi still included? (Oh, and I'd suggest to prominently document such an important breaking change.) My old setup that I wanted to upgrade (on the same hardware which is perfectly fine) dates from 2016. On another RPi2 I have libreelec with a much more modern Kodi. In fact that's the reason I wanted to upgrade in the first place: finally have a less dated UI in Kodi.
Kodi no longer included?
I was on a rather old recalbox setup, so I've decided to migrate to 8.0.1 (RPi2). To my astonishment I can't find Kodi anywhere!? It's neither listed in the main menu nor does it start when I press X on my gamepad.
I'm a bit perplex. Is Kodi even included or has it been removed in 8.0? (That would be a huge change for the worse.)
Do I have to enable it manually somehow?
Otherwise 8.0 seems to be a huge leap forward when compared to my ancient (many years old) recalbox that I'm trying to replace. (Fortunately I do have a backup. Kodi is a necessity for my use case.) -
RE: Moonlight: right stick not working correctly (Logitech F710)
Ah ok, thanks! I'm glad I could make a tiny contribution -
RE: Moonlight: right stick not working correctly (Logitech F710)
@subs said in Moonlight: right stick not working correctly (Logitech F710):
(if you had to configure your pad, then yes I'm still interested into it to add it),
I think I've gained a better understanding now! I found this file: https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-buildroot/blob/rb-4.1.X/board/recalbox/fsoverlay/recalbox/share_init/system/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg
and noticed that the Logitech F710 is not included by default!Is this what you mean? Anyway, here's the relevant part of my es_input.cfg:
<inputConfig type="joystick" deviceName="Logitech Gamepad F710" deviceGUID="030000006d0400001fc2000005030000"> <input name="a" type="button" id="1" value="1" code="305" /> <input name="b" type="button" id="0" value="1" code="304" /> <input name="down" type="hat" id="0" value="4" code="16" /> <input name="hotkey" type="button" id="8" value="1" code="316" /> <input name="joystick1left" type="axis" id="0" value="-1" code="0" /> <input name="joystick1up" type="axis" id="1" value="-1" code="1" /> <input name="joystick2left" type="axis" id="3" value="-1" code="3" /> <input name="joystick2up" type="axis" id="4" value="-1" code="4" /> <input name="l2" type="axis" id="2" value="1" code="2" /> <input name="l3" type="button" id="9" value="1" code="317" /> <input name="left" type="hat" id="0" value="8" code="16" /> <input name="pagedown" type="button" id="5" value="1" code="311" /> <input name="pageup" type="button" id="4" value="1" code="310" /> <input name="r2" type="axis" id="5" value="1" code="5" /> <input name="r3" type="button" id="10" value="1" code="318" /> <input name="right" type="hat" id="0" value="2" code="16" /> <input name="select" type="button" id="6" value="1" code="314" /> <input name="start" type="button" id="7" value="1" code="315" /> <input name="up" type="hat" id="0" value="1" code="16" /> <input name="x" type="button" id="3" value="1" code="308" /> <input name="y" type="button" id="2" value="1" code="307" /> </inputConfig>
RE: Moonlight: right stick not working correctly (Logitech F710)
I'm sorry if my questions haven't been clear, I'll try to reformulate them-
When I set up my current recalbox (4.0.0-beta5, clean install), at the first launch I was presented with an emulationstation-dialog prompting me to configure my controller, which I did. Now, in es_input.cfg I see lots of controllers that I don't own and then, at the end of it, my Logitech F710. I still don't know when and how this es_input.cfg is created, but since the system knows about many different types of controllers, I'm wondering why I had to do the initial controller configuration at all. Please note that this is not intended as a criticism, I'm simply wondering!
It seems to me that it would be possible to simply set up the controller automatically. The user would still have the possibility to reconfigure the controller if he needed to. -
Is it a (minor) bug that the F710 is not automatically setup in emulationstation (and all emulators)? If so, is there some information I could contribute? Could it be that most/all of the other controllers in es_input.cfg were already present before the first boot and that my F710 only got added when I configured it?
(not a question, a confirmation) I do know that the mappings for the different emulators (not emulationstation itself) are created automatically based on my "main" config in Emulationstation.
Anyway, thanks for an awesome software product!
RE: Moonlight: right stick not working correctly (Logitech F710)
Just out of curiosity: Why doesn't recalbox autoconfigure the known gamepads? I just had a look at es_input.cfg and noticed that there are complete "profiles" for lots of known controllers. Wouldn't it be possible to have a complete out-of-the-box plug-and-play config?Or is that the intended behavior and it simply fails on my box due to some syntax error that you mentioned?
RE: Moonlight: right stick not working correctly (Logitech F710)
So you no longer need the es_input?
Anyway, I'm amazed at what a Raspi, a 6 year old PC and a GTX 750Ti can do -
RE: Moonlight: right stick not working correctly (Logitech F710)
Hooray, I could fix it by modifying the config file to have the contents of the following mapping file: https://github.com/irtimmer/moonlight-embedded/blob/master/mappings/xbox360.conf
Moonlight: right stick not working correctly (Logitech F710)
I'm new to the whole moonlight thing and WOW! It's great! Mindblowing even.
Until I noticed that on my right stick only the vertical axis is working. I tried Tomb Raider 2013 and Half-Life 2. In both games the right stick controls the camera, but only the vertical axis working, the horizontal one is simply ignored.As far as I can tell I set everything up correctly in recalbox's menus.
Is there any moonlight-specific config that I have to amend/fix?Is this a known issue or should I file a bug report on github?
I'm using recalbox 4.0-beta5 and Geforce Experience
Update: here's the config file share/system/configs/moonlight/mappingP1.conf that recalbox has auto-generated:
# Device name = Logitech Gamepad F710 # SDL2 GUID = 030000006d0400001fc2000005030000 # Event path = /dev/input/event0 btn_west = 307 btn_east = 305 abs_dpad_y = 17 abs_dpad_x = 16 reverse_dpad_y = false reverse_dpad_x = false abs_ry = 4 abs_deadzone = 4 btn_south = 304 btn_start = 315 reverse_ry = true reverse_rx = false btn_mode = 316 abs_x = 0 abs_y = 1 reverse_x = false reverse_y = true btn_select = 314 btn_thumbl = 317 btn_tr = 311 btn_north = 308 btn_tl = 310 btn_thumbr = 318 abs_rz = 5 abs_z = 2
RE: Logitech F710 and Home button...
Hi, I'm using 2 Logitech F710 controllers. They work perfectly fine for me in XInput-Mode.
The only slightly annoying aspect during initial controller setup is setting up the trigger buttons (L2 / R2):
I have to configure the other buttons first, then use the dpad to select L2 again, then hit the physical B and then pull the left trigger. Afterwards I do the same to configure R2.Did you try reconnecting the USB dongle?
For me the gamepads were/are working fine in recalbox 3.2.11 and 4.0-beta5, though I have to do the initial first-time setup.
RE: reset prboom's config? dual-stick controls?
In the meantime I tried to change libretro's (retroarch?) config (Hotkey+B), but it didn't work out:There were different actions listed (like strafe left, shoot, dpad-left, etc.) which I then reconfigured very minimalistically: I modified dpad-left and dpad-right (right stick) as well as strafe left and right (left stick) and put shoot and use on the shoulder buttons.
Unfortunately this didn't work as intended: left stick left suddenly made the character move left and strafe left at the same time. What's worse, I couldn't revert the settings since now I could no longer confirm menu entries in libretro's built-in GUI even though I didn't remap any of the A,B,X,Y buttons. Really strange. (I didn't save the config to disk, so simply restarting prboom fixed it.)
I'd probably have to wade through all the docs in order to gain some understanding of all the intervening input translation layers (physical -> recalbox's SNES-inspired mapping -> libretro -> core). It seems daunting. At least it shows how great the team's work on all the integration stuff works in practice: all/most games are perfectly playable with only one centralized controller setup. Well done!
Still if anyone could point me in the right direction...
I'll promise to write a mini-howto if I get it work.I'll have a look at "Retropad w/ Analog". I think by default something about a "Retropad" was mentioned in libretro's GUI.
RE: reset prboom's config? dual-stick controls?
I'm not so sure about that: I'm using a Logitech F710 and the initial controller setup asked me to configure both analogue axes of the right stick. So at least in the general recalbox setup it's usable. (In 3.2.11 which I used previously this wasn't the case, so maybe it's new in the 4.0-betas.) -
RE: reset prboom's config? dual-stick controls?
Hmm, nevermind, I figured out, that I just have to delete roms/prboom/prboom.cfg, it is then automatically regenerated with the default config.
Anyway, is there a way to achieve a control scheme inspired by dual stick shooters as described in my original post?
reset prboom's config? dual-stick controls?
Hi, I wanted to customize Doom's control scheme and somehow ended up with a broken config. I can no longer confirm a menu option, in other words I can no longer even access the Options menu...
How can I revert Doom's settings to recalbox's default settings?
Any help is appreciated!BTW is it even possible to have forward/backward/strafe left/strafe left on the left analogue stick and rotate left/rotate right on the right analogue stick of my gamepad?
RE: V3.3.0 beta testers needed – besoin de beta testeurs
Hi @digitalLumberjack, Thanks for your feedback! I'm currently short on sdcards, but I will check your proposed modification in a few days. (Santa's bringing some more sdcards ;-))
RE: V3.3.0 beta testers needed – besoin de beta testeurs
Hi, I also had the red mute icon flickering next to the clock in the top right screen corner. I tracked it down to gamepad support for Kodi. In my case, the left trigger button of my Logitech F710 was getting mapped to the mute button, just like the analog sticks are mapped to volume control. I was able to work around the problem by either a) not mapping analog controls at all (I don't need them for SNES gaming) or b) entirely disabling Kodi's gamepad control functionality. (It's nice to have, but I'd rather have HDMI-CEC for emulationstation :-)) Anyway, this could probably be fixed by a different default setup for Kodi. Here are some other problems I've encountered with beta17 (the first beta I've tried): - most of the time Kodi can't set the "watched" tag. (This may be related to my using a restored config/library through the Backup add-on) - can't use my second controller at all (also an F710): emulationstation shows 2 detected gamepads, but the 2nd one can't be configured. - neither controller is working in SNES games (at least that's the case for the builtin "Classic Kong"); the 1st one is working for navigating ES's menus, though. I'm going back to 3.2.11 for the time being. I'm really looking forward to the next stable version. Recalbox is simply great: one OS for Kodi and gaming.