I should create an txt file with this content following the folders
It's a text file editable in Notepad, but not a .txt
Exactly, notice that the extension is .conf as you quote.
The game name is just an example
what I don't get it what I should write on recalbox.conf
PS: found some instructions on github
video_aspect_ratio =
I guess that I should write this to get what I need
video_aspect_ratio = 1:1
can you confirm this? @zing
I think it's not that parameter, and I think the value isn't that way either.
If I'm not mistaken, the parameter and value you want in your configuration override file is:
aspect_ratio_index = "5"If it's not this value, test the others, the first value is "0", and the last is "24" (unfortunately I didn't find an updated list saying which value is which aspect, so the best alternative is to test).