Hello @cookie_monster ,
did you try this? --> https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/22614/no-sound-over-hdmi
I play almost every day and I don't have any problem with the sound, after following the steps, that I wrote, of course...
Hello @cookie_monster ,
did you try this? --> https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/22614/no-sound-over-hdmi
I play almost every day and I don't have any problem with the sound, after following the steps, that I wrote, of course...
Hello @fredisback81 and @Scavy,
I had the same problem with the version 7.1.1 on PC 64 bit.
I changed the WiFi region from JP to FR in the recalbox.conf file and it is working perfectly now, .
Thanks and regards.
Hello @fredisback81 and @Scavy,
I had the same problem with the version 7.1.1 on PC 64 bit.
I changed the WiFi region from JP to FR in the recalbox.conf file and it is working perfectly now, .
Thanks and regards.
@cookie_monster I'm sorry, but I am not a linux expert...
I only followed the steps from this forum (in french) and it worked for me.
Im using an "old" Mini-ITX board from MSI, Model MS-9887, with an Intel core i5, 2nd Gen (64-bit). and it works without problems.
I have some from this boards, if someone from the Recalbox-Team want to "play" with it, I could send it for free, but with an Intel Celeron B810 , just send me a DM. Anyway the audio controller is the same.
@cookie_monster, It seems, that we have to wait for a new Recalbox release.
Hello @cookie_monster ,
did you try this? --> https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/22614/no-sound-over-hdmi
I play almost every day and I don't have any problem with the sound, after following the steps, that I wrote, of course...
@abuzaid Yes, you should reboot the system after every change...
@abuzaid what did you do? it worked for me making these steps:
-ssh connection (user: root, password: recalboxroot) and type the following:
mount -o remount, rw /
nano /etc/asound.conf
-Inside the file "asound.conf" write the following:
pcm.!default {
type hw
card 0
device 3
-After that, Ctrl+O to save the file and Ctrl+X to exit
If this does not work, try another device numbers, like 1, 2, 5...
Hello @abuzaid ,
try this:
it worked for me.
Hola @Grecoloser, yo uso los mismos mandos, también con PSX y no tengo ese problema.
Prueba lo siguiente:
-Desvincula los mandos Bluetooth
-Con el mando apagado, mantén presionada la tecla 'Y' y sin soltarla aprieta el botón de encender hasta que la luz azul se encienda, suelta los botones y verás que luego la luz parpadea varias veces seguidas, hace una pausa y vuelve a parpadear.
-Empareja los mandos de nuevo
-Configura los botones de nuevo
Si te funciona, la próxima vez que quieras volver a jugar tendrás que volver a encender los mandos con la 'Y', pero por lo menos funciona todo a la perfección
to all the people with the same problem, it worked for me:
@ChapGamer, si, es verdad que el programa a simple vista parece complicado pero después sólo se usan dos o 3 botones, créeme. Para que te podamos ayudar necesitamos algún dato más, como por ejemplo:
Como te digo, dinos los pasos que sigues para que podamos ver donde está el fallo.
Un saludo,
hola @ChapGamer ,
es sencillo, si usas el ARRM (another Recalbox Roms Manager, programa que uso yo), solo tienes que seleccionar el sistema, descargar la información en tu ordenador y una vez descargada, copias la carpeta "downloaded_images" junto con el archivo "gamelist.xml" en el directorio donde tienes las roms de ese sistema.
Recalbox reconocerá automáticamente las carátulas la próxima vez que inicies el sistema o refresques la lista de juegos.
Espero haberte ayudado, un saludo,