20 Oct 2017, 19:30

@paradadf I was able to connect the Nes30 pro via BT, one time and as you mentioned the right analog stick, function as the C-Buttons, however after a while I could not re-connect via BT anymore. I tried deleting paired BT devices and nothing. I even formatted the SD card and installed a fresh copy of NOOBS with recalbox. Is there a way to complete wipe the control configs off the system without doing a complete reimage? Also I tried to follow @Substring advice and testing the button, but when I tried to run the jstest I receive a message "Command not found" this also happens on my Mac Pro. on the raspberry pie 3 I get as far as determining which devices I have, but the last command does not work.
-jstest /input/dev/js*
-then jstest /input/dev/js0 > "Command not found"