12 Oct 2017, 10:30


As some of you may know already, 4.1 will be released on 13th of October 8pm CET. As you may have some questions before upgrading, let's try to summarize all here ! Feel free to ask questions related to 4.1, we'll eventually update this post to add them.

As usual before a major update, we strongly recomment you make a backup of your data

Recalbox version before upgrading

I'm on 4.0.0 (or even before), can I upgrade ?
No you can't.
I'm on 4.0.1 or 4.0.2, can I upgrade ?
Yep !
I'm on a 4.1 unstable, can I upgrade
We wouldn't recommend you upgrade from an unstable version for MANY reasons :

  • the .img has changed. If you were using an early one, you'll have some silent trouble while upgrading and won't notice it, making the upgrade partial and really buggy
  • some people still have a very early unstable 4.1, you won't be able to upgrade
  • people who upgraded from 4.0.x to unstable have better chances to update.

The only ones who can do the upgrade are those who upgraded from 4.0.1/4.0.2 and were on the last unstable we released back in april. In that case, just change you updates.type to stable in the recalbox.conf

It's way beyond the release time, and still no update showing, why ?
The update is progressively made available to everyone. The 4.0.0 release was such a huge success that our servers were overwhelmed by the requests. So we made some changes to survive to this new upgrade 😉


Does the internal Pi3/Pi0-w bluetooth work ?
Yup !
My bluetooth devices can't connect anymore since I upgraded !
As stated in the upgrade log that you should have read, it is clearly stated that you must pair again all your bluetooth devices. This is due to a total rewrite of the bluetooth handling in Recalbox, there was no possible upgrade from before.
I have a bluetooth USB dongle, how can I know if it's active and used with Recalbox
So far it's all made on an assumption : USB devices will be started before the internal BT. Recalbox strictly pairs with hci0 which is the 1st BT device
I want to disable the Pi3/Pi0-w internal BT
Yes you can, here's how :

  1. SSH to your Recalbox
  2. mount -o remount, rw /boot
  3. edit /boot/config.txtand add dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt
  4. reboot

How can I install Recalbox for PC
It's the very same procedure as other platforms ! Plug your USB storage device (USB key or hard drive) and write the image as explained on https://youtu.be/1UBH4S6kG80
If your device is not listed in Etcher, go to Options, and enable the Unsafe mode. Please take good care : all your storage devices will be listed, even your system hard drive !
What PC configuration do you recommend
Well ... None ! The PC world is so wide that we can't provide a compatibility list. As a general rule of thumb : if it works with Linux, it should work with Recalbox. The best is to burn the image as explained above and try by yourself.
The compatible devices will improve with Recalbox updates (kernel, drivers ...). But we won't add some per-user driver for fancy devices.

Software - splash video

On which boards is it available ?
Raspberry Pi (any version), Odroid C2 and XU4. Not yet available on PC
Can the sound be muted/changed
Nope, unless you edit the video
Can it be changed ?
Well ... yes, but we won't answer how.
I have a USB sound card on my Pi, but I can't hear any sound of the splash video
That is to be expected, the player can only output to HDMI and Jack.


What are the arcade romsets for 4.1 ?

  • imame4all: 0.37b5 (hasn't changed)

  • mame2003: 0.78 (hasn't changed)

  • pifba: FBA based on MAME 0.114 (hasn't changed)

  • fba_libretro: FBA which is based on MAME 0.187 (romset updated)

  • advancemame: based on MAME 0.106 (new emulator)

  • PSX : required cue file.

  • Dreamcast required theses bios

e10c53c2f8b90bab96ead2d368858623 dc_boot.bin
0a93f7940c455905bea6e392dfde92a4 dc_flash.bin

More to come ...