I use it for my bluetooth keyboard. (1byone) It works pretty good for me, but keyboard never far away. But no lacks so far. Just strange things with pairing. If I switch of keyboard and bartop, it arrives that they stay paired after switching on. But sometimes at starting of recalbox, to be able to use, necessary to delete connection, and reconnect as new controller. No way to understand why. I doubt that some other bluetooth devices "disturb" an established connection. I have some lying around in the corner, smartphone, watch, speaker.
I will install 4.1stable on a new SD Card. I was going back to march version of 4.1u because with last 4.1u the hifiberry card was not working. So, really interested in the new sound procedures.
[4.1-stable] FAQ
@substring so if you boot with a dongle internal bt will never be used ?
@voljega indeed. At least that's what happened to me
upgrade possibility from unstable detailled in the 1st post
@voljega said in [4.1-stable] FAQ:
maybe a simple procedure to blacklist the internal bluetooth of the pi3 coul be usefull for all those who will be disappointed by its performance
Can you explain more about the "bad performance" in details ? Thanks !
@styletwo-wan according to regular feedback seen here in the past six months, it seems that the internal bt is pretty crappy and this causes latency, lag, delay with controllers
I use it for my bluetooth keyboard. (1byone) It works pretty good for me, but keyboard never far away. But no lacks so far. Just strange things with pairing. If I switch of keyboard and bartop, it arrives that they stay paired after switching on. But sometimes at starting of recalbox, to be able to use, necessary to delete connection, and reconnect as new controller. No way to understand why. I doubt that some other bluetooth devices "disturb" an established connection. I have some lying around in the corner, smartphone, watch, speaker.
I will install 4.1stable on a new SD Card. I was going back to march version of 4.1u because with last 4.1u the hifiberry card was not working. So, really interested in the new sound procedures. -
@dragu yeah but I doubt you would really feel latency with a keyboard ?
Yes, and my latency with kb is beyond common sens. -
It's possible to deactivate video intro audio?
@uzanto no it's not. The volume has been lowered since the last unstable though
Great news, thanks for the info. Hopefully my controller will work fine now.
I know it has been said somewhere else, but having information about the needed romsets for pifba, fba_libretro and mame in this update would be an nice addition to this post, as I think it will change for fba_libretro.
@substring It was an idea to add to the FAQ I think it's something that will be asked a lot.
Such good news ! Many many thanks again for your work !
looking forward to checking out the new version. thanks very much to the entire Recalbox team.
@aphrodite The new romset for fba_libretro will be
added arcade romsets version + no sound on splash video for pi with USB audio
added 2 PC paragraphs
Amazing news!!!! The new emulators Will be also in this update such as msdos? You are great!
@charlesmarried https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Board-Compatibility-(EN) is up-to-date regarding emulators compatibility