How to emulate X68K in Recalbox
Libretro Core update :
- core option
- Use analog
- Joypad type : 2 buttons - CPSF-MD (8 buttons) - CPSF-SFC (8 buttons)
- core option
What's the news , core updated :
quick menu > Options
- CPU speed
- Ram Size
- Use Analog
- P1 Joypad
- P2 Joypad
@acris nice, good news!
Yeah!! I Agree with Acris, you need to follow the steps.
Add Cyclone CPU for arm
Add Menu F12 to L2 joypad
Few Fix keyboard -
What's the new core updated :
quick menu > Options
CPU speed
Ram Size
Use Analog
P1 Joypad Type
P2 Joypad Type
ADPCM Volume
OPM Volume -
amazing this new core, really great news, I hope to see it as soon as possible in the recalbox, of course this core has a difficulty that is not having the virtual keyboard, but you can play with it a lot.
What is the virtual keyboard used for? -
I see your question on need to create playlist file with name :
Akumajou Dracula (1993)(Konami).m3u
with inside 2 lines :
Akumajou Dracula (1993)(Konami)(Disk 1 of 2).dim Akumajou Dracula (1993)(Konami)(Disk 2 of 2).dim
and you must hide theses 2 files :
Akumajou Dracula (1993)(Konami)(Disk 1 of 2).dim Akumajou Dracula (1993)(Konami)(Disk 2 of 2).dim
select each file game , select button > edit metadata game > hidden > ON
And If you need to optimize this game may you need to go retroarch menu (hotkey+B) :
Quick Menu > Options >
CPU Speed : 16 Mhz Game-Options File to create file reset game.
And with px68 Menu (L2) need to chose frame skip : 1/6
thanks @voljega
@acris huh ? i'm always happy to be thanked but why in that case ?
btw scanlines aren't used by the X68k emulator at least in 'Retro' config is it normal ?
@acris huh ? i'm always happy to be thanked but why in that case ?
your upvote for my message
@voljega said in How to emulate X68K in Recalbox:
btw scanlines aren't used by the X68k emulator at least in 'Retro' config is it normal ?
I dont know , @rochaddicted any idea ?
@acris don't know maybe a typo.
What is the sequence to launch Genocide 2 ?Solution
Genocide 2 (1991)(Zoom)(Disk 1 of 4)(System).dim Genocide 2 (1991)(Zoom)(Disk 2 of 4)(Data 1).dim Genocide 2 (1991)(Zoom)(Disk 3 of 4)(Data 2 ).dim Genocide 2 (1991)(Zoom)(Disk 4 of 4)(Data 3).dim
Genocide 2 (1991)(Zoom)(Disk 1 of 4)(System).dim Genocide 2 (1991)(Zoom)(Disk 2 of 4)(Data A).dim Genocide 2 (1991)(Zoom)(Disk 3 of 4)(Data B).dim Genocide 2 (1991)(Zoom)(Disk 4 of 4)(Data C).dim
FDD1 -> Data A-> game start
And remplace Data A To Data B -
@acris I believe it is more emulator bug, I have xbox classic emulator that works perfectly hdf files.
i read theses lines :
@rtype writed : be sure your hdf is in SASI format, SCSI one are not supported with this core. Also be sure (hit F12) that you don"t have some fdd set , if yes unset same and reset using the gui.
you can use diskexplorer to open it and see if they are Human68k HDD or SCSI.
source : -
I have read and reread the page, I already moved on diskexplorer, I can edit files inside the hdf, but I can not see if it is SCSI or HDD
@rtype we need your help
@acris said in How to emulate X68K in Recalbox:
you need to create playlist file with name :
Akumajou Dracula (1993)(Konami).m3u
with inside 2 lines :
Akumajou Dracula (1993)(Konami)(Disk 1 of 2).dim Akumajou Dracula (1993)(Konami)(Disk 2 of 2).dim
Hi ! I did this but I've got a black screen after launching the game and nothing happens. When I launch the menu, I see that the first disk is on FDD0 and the second one is on FDD1 (which I think is correct).
Before doing this and launching the first disk, I had a message in Japanese to choose : 1. X68000 2.(something else) 3.(something else)
When I chose 1, nothing happened (same for 2 or 3). I thought that was due to the missing second disk and that is why I tried the m3u thing. Now I don't even get the message.Someone managed to make Akumajou work ? Thanks for your help !