Black Screen? no hdmi tv out?
I downloaded the last Recalbox zip... I put all the files in my SD Card and then into de Raspberry 3. But Nothing happens
i just get a black screen ... The raspberry go ON but i just see the black screen in my tv. No installation options, no message, nothing. What can i do?
@Cristian-Muñoz take a look at this and pay good attention:
There is also an installation page on the wiki.
And most importante, please read the IMPORTANT - README FIRST on this forum. -
look this video tutoriel , use minitool partition wizard fat32 as primary.
choose your subtitle. -
Still black screen. im on MAC OSX... The keyboard numbers 1 and 2 also doesn't change anything in the screen. I tried with different system "retropie" and work immediately but i wanna work with recalbox
@Cristian-Muñoz try with the burnable image from: -
I just need the IMG file right?
Yes, only the img.