Solved Recalbox 4.1 Retroarch HUD messages when playing games are displaying squares instead of letters
How are you?
After upgrading to Recalbox 4.1 all in game Retroarch messages are displaying as squares. It seems like the locale is wrong ,as set in a non latin character language, for the messages, however I can get into retroarch and all the texts are in Latin characters.
Please, Could anybody lend me a hand?
THX so much, any help is appreciated.
Kind Regards. -
@kelv yeah we solved it on a from scratch installation, but not on an update
@Substring THX for your reply. I think I will wait for the next compilation in order to check if it's fixed or not. I don't want to install it from the scratch, it's a bit pain to move all the roms and savegames etc.
@kelv Use a USB key
we've been recommending that for months
As pointed by @Substring in other thread the following is fixing the issue
•retroarch squares : there is a workaround : just remove ~/configs/retroarch/retroarchcustom.cfg Recalbox will regenerate it with the proper values. People using custom configfiles should add the value manually. Might be solved with a retroarch b*mp, no idea