I have just realized that I have an Adafruit Touchdisplay lying around, doing nothing at all (I have used it for a raspberry pi Camera, to play around a bit.)
It´s this one : https://www.adafruit.com/product/1601
I am wondering if it is possible to built a gameboy with this? However I also want the gameboy to be connectable to a tv and then get the normal hdmi output. The kernel adafruit provides runs on an own raspbian image, so I have to find out how to implement this in recalbox. The condition should be: If no hdmi is plugged in, the rpi should send the image to the tft, If the hdmi is plugged in, the output should go to the tv. (In theory this has also to be possible with the rpi 3, so you would have a powerfull mario kart n64 inside your pocket.
This is only about the programming, if that is the right word, not about fixing it inside an old gameboy, which will follow if this is a success.
I have searched the forums as well as the internet, but it seems that all tutorials are all about just having the tft enabled, which will disalbe the hdmi output. I have the nintendo switch in my mind. How awesome it would be, to have a retro-gaming consolde in your own which you can also share with others? Any hints to how to´s are really appreciated. I am a linux beginner and this is best desribed with cooking: I can cook with recipes and I am really good at it, but I am nowhere near inventing my own recipes. I got a grip for it though, I know the basics.