Thank you both for your quick replies! I was trying to figure out a way I could use an NES controller as P1 and still have the ability to save/load/rewind. Maybe the auto save/load feature would be a good option.
Solved Using Hotkey from player 2, 3, or 4?
Use SELECT as your HK and you are good to go. The HK is the only button that can be set on already configured ones.
@paradadf said in Using Hotkey from player 2, 3, or 4?:
Use SELECT as your HK and you are good to go. The HK is the only button that can be set on already configured ones.
Thanks so much...I'll give that a try! I have a Wii Classic Pro controller connected with a USB adapter, and using the Home Button as a hot key. I never would have thought to use a button that was already in use. This sounds like a great solution!
Just so it's clear though...only the controller set as player 1 can use the hot key and the hot key functions, correct? Thanks again!
Edit - To do a save state, it's hot key + y, correct? Wondering how I can do a save state from an NES controller? Thanks for any advice.
Only P1 can use the HK and no, the NES controller simply doesn't have enough buttons, so you can't save any state with it.
@paradadf said in Using Hotkey from player 2, 3, or 4?:
Only P1 can use the HK and no, the NES controller simply doesn't have enough buttons, so you can't save any state with it.
So, it seems that the only "always active" or "master" input device that can control special commands, no matter what other controllers are configured, is a keyboard. Is this correct?
My next thought is, is it possible to set up a PS3 Bluetooth controller to emulate the keyboard? I want to use a PS3 controller only for navigating menus and using special commands, like save state, rewind, exiting emulator, etc. I wouldn't use it for actually playing games. Is this at all possible, or would I be better off getting a handheld keyboard? I'm just trying to make it as easy as possible for my wife and kids to be able to play. Thanks for all your help!
@xtreemsurf no it's not possible at all, as already stated, special commands must be entered through the first playercontrol.
Keyboard is not supported by recalbox, you will be able to escape game with esc though but it's not possible to use the other special commands with a keyboard
Recalbox doesn't officially support a keyboard. That's something the emulator itself must support.
My short answer would be: I have no idea and in my opinion what you are trying to do is more complicatedd than just using a ps3 controller as P1. -
Thank you both for your quick replies! I was trying to figure out a way I could use an NES controller as P1 and still have the ability to save/load/rewind. Maybe the auto save/load feature would be a good option. -
@xtreemsurf reading the manual too because auto save/load already exist.
Yes...I read about that in the manual. I mentioned that as an option, since there aren't enough buttons on an NES controller to support all the special commands.
- topic:timeago_later,8 months
@paradadf said in Using Hotkey from player 2, 3, or 4?:
Only P1 can use the HK and no, the NES controller simply doesn't have enough buttons, so you can't save any state with it.
Sorry to recall on a old thread, but i can´t find the solution for my problem and as recalbox is being used VERY often in Custom consoles i guess this should have an answer (or workaround)...
I´ve built a RaspberryPi3 inside a SNES. And i am using a SNES > USB converter to use the original USB ports. Both controllers are set and detected as USB gamepad 1 and 2. That's ok. But i´ve added some buttons on the SNES case to detect when they are used and act accordingly... So, i added a button on SNES RESET tied to GPIO (Joy1 any button)... And I´ve added 2 extra buttons on the SNES Cartridge slot that are pressed at the same time when the EJECT button is pressed. I´ve wired those GPIO Joy1 HK, and GPIO Joy1 - START. I thought that the Hotkeys are capture on any controller. But unfortunatelly after all this work, the SNES case buttons can´t work, because the hotkeys can only be captured on the first controller... Is there a way to change that ? It´s so limiting this way, for this kind of CaseMod projects... I want to reset the Roms using the SNES RESET button (not the controller). And to keep using the Eject too, if possible... It whould be PERFECT.