Put your mame roms in this directory.
Rom files must have a ".zip" extension.
Recalbox is using libretro mame2003 as default core. So, compatible roms must come from set 0.78
The libretro core imame4all, based on a 0.37b5 mame version, is also included in recalbox.
So, if you want to use this core, instead of the default one, you must edit your recalbox.conf file following instructions of this page :
You can use clrmamepro available at and use the .dat file in clrmamepro directory to check your roms.*"**
Sorry for my bad english
Where is my Problem ?
I think my Roms are okay.
I want only HiScores automatically. Like on PC or Retropie
Jemand eine Idee zum TAB Problem (tastaturbelegung für RESET und TAB MENU etc.) . Wie werden die Einstellungen dauerhaft gespeichert ?