Using Pi GPIO for other things other than controllers
Ive just stumbled on this brilliant OS after search for issues I am having with my own custom build.
Currently I am working on a project which brings kodi, moonlight and emualtion station into one but am having trouble with the controller registers. I am looking to try out this build as I read on git that usb controllers are automatically recongised. (I hope this is true).However, my question lies around the pi's gpio. I am looking to hook up a fan and some leds lights that imitate the pwr and act leds on the pi, ready to go into a custom box. I was just curious is it possible to do this on the OS?
Sure you can ! Our python gpio God @supernature2k can do anything you need
2 things :
- if you search ni the forum, you'll find quite some ressources concerning that
- we are also working on giving gpios other super powers : reset (when available) or kill an emulator, use retroarch network commands ... Prety amazing stuff in fact
@sirus555 I have a working fan script running in my recalbox. It just turns the fan on at a defined cpu temperature for a certain time to cool it down.
I could post it here when I am at home(if still needed)
Thanks @subs
Thanks @lackyluuk that would be much appreicated.
Here is an example with GPIO pin 14 for controlling the fan. The indents might not be correct
I had a little trouble with copy/paste the code
Hope I can help you with this#!/usr/bin/env python import os import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #Set max. temperature of CPU TEMP_MAX = 67 ON_TIME = 200 #Set pin 14 as transistor gate GATE = 14 #Set pin 14 as an output and shut down GPIO.setup(GATE, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(GATE, False) def getCPUtemperature(): res = os.popen('vcgencmd measure_temp').readline() return(res.replace("temp=","").replace("'C\n","")) while True: temp_float = float(getCPUtemperature()) try: if (temp_float > TEMP_MAX): # ein GPIO.output(GATE, True) time.sleep(ON_TIME) # aus GPIO.output(GATE, False) else: GPIO.output(GATE, False) except KeyboardInterrupt: print float(getCPUtemperature()) print "power off fan..." GPIO.output(GATE, False) print "cancelling..." Here you will also find a small drawing for the transistor etc -
@lackyluuk Thanks bud, super neat.