Recalbox sur TV CRT en RGB
Hi, here I link the schematic of rgb-pi for those who want to make it their own.!y4pCRRLJ!tf74zKNgFSeMIat2Bkg7MX9G289y2vXPdsY0jtnXZBk
@Scandy d**n, it won't work yet ...
- advmame is SDL1 not SDL2, which is a REAL pity for pi2
- can't get it to run, it just wants to work on frame buffer, dunno how to change that and I'd hate to use SDL1 (but it looks mandatory to be able to use the keyboard or probably some other inputs)
@Substring please take a look to private chat.
Cependant: encore un peu de patience...
@Substring @ian57 @aTg finally AdvanceMAME 3.0 with official Raspberry Pi support has been released. ;D
Salut tous !
Juste un petit mot pour vous dire que le cable indiqué par archimage de chez fonctionne et que l'image pète bien sur un trinitron 36cm....
J'ai encore des reglages de géométrie à faire dans le menu service de la tele dont je peine à trouver la doc... Mais c'est très encourageant .... Évidement rien à voir avec la composite. Les couleurs sont denses et saturées.
Mon image est juste un peu décalée sur la gauche (1cm)
Sous E/S, le polices sont trop petites et les thèmes adaptés manquent....
Reste aussi à tweaker les résolutions par jeu et là j'avoue gros chantier.
Merci à tous pour vos contributions, on va y arriver.
Je ne pipe rien aux modelines alors je suis à l'affut de toute info permettant de simplifier le process.....
Le seul ennemi ? Le temps !
Je continue de passer rapidement ici et sur l'IRC .... À bientôt ! -
@Scandy great news... will try that ASAP :)... but 1.5 directly to 3.0?
@ian57 I suppose it's because now in AdvanceMAME are included also AdvanceMESS and AdvanceMENU (previous version was at 2.9). I'm curious to read about tests with VGA and SCART. Thank you.
@ian57 dude, need your rpi-(userland|firmware) b*mp PR ! You also need to remove the 2nd advancemame patch from the package
@aTg thank you for sharing this, but I really hope to have the possibility to buy soon a cable assembled by yourself.
IMHO a "female" SCART would be more practical. -
@Scandy The reason that it is a male cable is so that no extra cables are necessary, to move to a female connector should completely redo the circuit since the pins are not all symmetrical, some are crossed.
If there is a lot of interest, I'll do something female.Well here I finally have revision 2 of the circuit (I already have list 3)
The improvements are very important, the simplification in the soldier is great. -
@aTg IMHO telling people to buy a male to female adapter is much better
But the pictures show a very short cable, that could bother some people -
It is also possible to use a flat cable extension, or as you say a female/male extension cable.
What happens is that the RPi is not like a SNES that is something that you like to see in the furniture while you play.
Anyway the length of the cable is pending, you can make your requests, the only difference will be in the final price of the product. -
This is the most similar to the final result, the last problem I have is that the scart connector creates a curvature in the cable.
One solution that occurs to me is to cut the cable asymmetrically, some other idea?
Edit: Tonight I'll try to test an idea, cut the flat cable in angle.
@aTg For a second thought : a female cable is not that stupid either, it would be like a good old SCRAT DVD player that you plug in your TV with a good old Male-Male SCART.
Another solution -
I have been investigating how to do the installation of recalbox with NOOBS from the DPI output and the easiest way to do it is PINN.
The problem is that it only has the overlay for vga666 and with rgb-pi the colors are changed.
Anyway the installation is automatic so it's just that you can see the progress and little else.You have to add to recovery.cmdline disablesafemode and generate a config.txt with the following:
dtoverlay=VGA666 enable_dpi_lcd=1 display_default_lcd=1 dpi_group=2 dpi_mode=87 hdmi_timings=320 1 20 29 35 220 1 10 14 16 0 0 0 60 0 6400000 1
@aTg green screen and dpi make me think a this solved with «dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt-overlay" in config.txt...
@tikiandskull Thanks for the information, I tried, in this case does not look blue for that reason but it is important to have it present for recalbox.
j'ai essayé de trouver la réponse dans vos posts mais j'ai pas trouvé. pouvez vous me dire l'intérêt du VGA (à la place du HDMI) pour faire le cable VGA TO SCART,
est ce que la qualité sera meilleure (du fait que le VGA est bloqué en 640*480).
autrement que peuvent m'apporter le VGA to SCART (comparé à un adaptateur HDMI vers SCART que j'ai et dont je trouve la qualité pas très nette même en rgb)
merci -
@david-rose HDMI > VGA est une conversion de digital en analogique qui introduit un certain retard vidéo.
Avec le VGA acquis directement auprès GPIO ce retard ne devrait pas être là.