[BATCH] Scrape your roms on your PC - fastscraper
@Subs I know Sselph make some try on MIX
@screech hahaha fear sselph, for your scraper will soon be overwhelmed
@Subs Never ^^ I use AUTOIT !! and it's the FUTUR !!! (And wait for the V2
you will see
the great power of Autoit
(Sorry paradadf, we are trolling on your post :S )
@screech no prob
Wow! This thing is fast and powerful. I'm glad I stumbled upon it!
One question- is there a way to prevent the addition of the regions to the display name?
@The-D try editing this to:
-use_nointro_name=false -
Little update:
Now you can type
to scrape all the folders at once.
I added some extra extension so that, for example, ScummVM can now be scraped, assuming you followed this instructions.
Please, don't forget to contribute to ScreenScraper and make the database bigger!
PC DOS, PC Win3.xx, PC Win9X and PC Windows are newly added systems, so you can now scrape Cave Story and Doom games. (Thinking about doxbox and future ports ;)) -
Hi. Thanks for the script. I've just found a little error on it. If I change the parameter where downloaded images are stored, it just changes the value in the gamelist xml. It doesn't change the actual place where they are downloaded (the command is hardcoded to download always on downloaded_images).
By the way, two days ago everything was working great. And now most of my roms are giving me "hash not found" although I verified the hashes and they have not changed. Well known games like 1942 are giving me "hash not found". Is something wrong with the scraper.exe ? I'm using the latest one.
@Gonzakpo you can change the folder name and location in the for-loop in the main part. If you need help, tell me where exactly you want to store it and I'll find the correct way (or die trying!).
Mamedb is down since today so maybe by fba, mame and neogeo was the problem? Or every other system too? sselph's scraper hasn't enabled arcade systems yet. -
@paradadf Does this script works for Atari2600 scrapping ? And what is the size of the download images ?
@voljega it works and right now it is set to 400px width, you can change it on the parameters with any text editor.
@paradadf said in [BATCH] Scrape your roms on your PC - fastscraper:
@Gonzakpo you can change the folder name and location in the for-loop in the main part. If you need help, tell me where exactly you want to store it and I'll find the correct way (or die trying!).
Mamedb is down since today so maybe by fba, mame and neogeo was the problem? Or every other system too? sselph's scraper hasn't enabled arcade systems yet.Yes, the problem is for mame. So I have to wait for mamedb to be up again.
About the image folder, I know how to modify the script. I'm just pointing that if I change the variable "imagePath" to anything I want like "game_images" it changes the ppath stored in the gamelist.xml but NOT the actual place where the images are downloaded. I'm just saying that It would be nice if you use the same variable "imagePath" for both things (gamelist path and stored folder) so they match. I know how to modify it, I'm just suggesting you an improvement of the script
Anyway, thanks for your help!!
@Gonzakpo ahh okk, now I understood xD. I'm on my phone right now, but I believe there are two two different variables from scraper.exe. But I'll take a look to see if it's a convinient change to somehow "merge" these. Thanks!
You can use the Universal XML Scraper instead... look for it in the forum if you don't know it yet. It has many more features and works with all systems. -
@Gonzakpo Thank you very much for your feedback! I found an easy fix... (I hope!).
@paradadf said in [BATCH] Scrape your roms on your PC - fastscraper:
@Gonzakpo Thank you very much for your feedback! I found an easy fix... (I hope!).
Great! It's working as excepted now
Thank you.
I will try the other scraper you recommended.
Hi. I'm new to Recalbox so excuse my silly noob quesion.
First of all, this is working great on PC, thanks a million for that. I ran the fastscraper and ES is displaying all game information perfectly on Windows.
But when I copy the downloaded images folder and gamelist.xml to the corresponding rom folders on Recalbox (or copy the entire rom folder for that matter) the information doesn't show when I restart. What am I doing wrong? -
@Yoakin you should kill emulation statione before copying tge gamelist.xml. look at wiki
why anyone make some video tutorials of this??? im veeeeeeeery noob on this
i´ve been trying with a lot of methods (im in MAC) with no luck at all -.-, i let my computer work for 1 entire night apparently scrapping but after finish.... no images displayed on my recalbox (4.0 with Raspi 3)... any noob help please? last method i use was
Log in your recalbox in SSH like explained on the wiki then type those 2 commands :
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/substring/fullscrape/master/fullscrape.sh
chmod u+x ./fullscrape.sh
Now you can run fullscrape.sh :
Here are the possible options
-u : update mode only. It will just scrape roms that were not scraped yet. Quite useful if you already spent some time scraping, or if the previous scrape crashed
systemname : you can specify several systems seperated by space (nes snes n64 gb gbc gba megadrive mastersystem sega32x gamegear pcengine atari2600 lynx psx scummvm segacd mame fba fba_libretro neogeo)
Examples :
./fullscrape.sh : hold tight baby, will scrape everything in its way, dead or alive. You would usually run this only the frist time when you dropped all your roms and want to scrape all
./fullscrape.sh -u : update mode, only scrape non scraped roms
./fullscrape.sh nes fba : full rescrape of nes anf fba systems
./fullscrape.sh -u n64 psx mame : only update n64 psx and mame systems
WARNING : fba_libretro has a little bug, that will be corrected in 4.0.0 : scraping can’t be displayed. This can be manually solved if you really really are desperate … -
@SkarlosVilliers wrong thread... this is about the fastscraper, not the fullscraper.
thanks for your answer, i mean i use a lot of methods, no one worked, only post that because is the last method i use u.u and no work. in terminal shows the download of all systems but recalbox doesn´t show nothingthanks