Muppen64plus glide64mk2 - no video on RbPi4 (recalbox 8)
Now (in 8.0.2) problem with video output is solved.
But it's slow! More slower than 3 others emulators\cores that could choose...|So, how could configurate Muppen64plus glide64mk2 on rbpi4? ( maybe some menu from keyboard, when press esc - exit from emulator, or where some config file located...?)
Hi @iga
Which rom did you try? Glide64mk2 may not be the good candidate regarding performances
@davidb2111 Any!
well, let it be 007, the world is not enough, as the first in list....I'm just want menu with some options which i could set up for emulator ( maybe increase fps, or make them visible) - all very slow then other emulators - why it as default?
Because it would work well with other roms that other emulators may not run full speed.
@davidb2111 said in Muppen64plus glide64mk2 - no video on RbPi4 (recalbox
Because it would work well with other roms that other emulators may not run full speed.
I still don't understand....
in most test of my roms Muppen64plus glide64mk2 was most slower at recalboxInstead at retropie Mupen64plus glide64 show most speed and performance ( best on retropie)
So, i ask allow some options to configurate it for best performance, cause at default starts it's run slow at recalbox....
How could configurate this emulator?
@iga said in Muppen64plus glide64mk2 - no video on RbPi4 (recalbox
How could configurate this emulator?
Check the config files in
There is one configuration:
which contain a section[Video-Glide64mk2]
. You can take a look there. -
Also check the resolution of mupen from recalbox.conf, parameter
. If not set, it will useglobal.videomode
. You could try to set a lower resolution (1280x720 or so) inn64.videomode
. -
@davidb2111 Thank you
@davidb2111 But the games still looked like hard-hard frameskip ( music\sound plays well)
And i still couldn't enable fps. I open mupen64plus.cfg by notepad and write show_fps = 1. But, after Rbpi booting and launching Muppen64plus glide64mk2, there is still show_fps = 4 in mupen64plus.cfg
- How to fix it?
There my mupen64plus.cfg:
[64DD] Disk = "" IPL-ROM = [Audio-OMX] BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 DEFAULT_FREQUENCY = 32000 DEFAULT_MODE = 0 LATENCY = 300 NATIVE_MODE = False OUTPUT_PORT = 1 SWAP_CHANNELS = False UNDERRUN_MODE = 0 Version = 1 [Audio-SDL] AUDIO_SYNC = False DEFAULT_FREQUENCY = 33600 PRIMARY_BUFFER_SIZE = 16384 PRIMARY_BUFFER_TARGET = 10240 RESAMPLE = "trivial" SECONDARY_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048 SWAP_CHANNELS = False VOLUME_ADJUST = 5 VOLUME_CONTROL_TYPE = 1 VOLUME_DEFAULT = 80 Version = 1 [Core] AutoStateSlotIncrement = False CountPerOp = 0 CountPerOpDenomPot = 0 CurrentStateSlot = 8 DelaySI = True DisableExtraMem = False EnableDeb****r = False GbCameraVideoCaptureBackend1 = "" NoCompiledJump = False OnScreenDisplay = True R4300Emulator = 2 RandomizeInterrupt = True SaveDiskFormat = 1 SaveSRAMPath = /recalbox/share/saves/n64 SaveStatePath = /recalbox/share/saves/n64 ScreenshotPath = /recalbox/share/screenshots SharedDataPath = "/recalbox/share/system/configs/mupen64/" SiDmaDuration = -1 Version = 1.010000 [CoreEvents] Joy Mapping Decrease Volume = "" Joy Mapping Fast Forward = "J0B10/H0V2" Joy Mapping Frame Advance = "" Joy Mapping Fullscreen = "" Joy Mapping Gameshark = "" Joy Mapping Increase Volume = "" Joy Mapping Increment Slot = "J0B10/H0V1" Joy Mapping Load State = "J0B10/B3" Joy Mapping Mute = "" Joy Mapping Pause = "" Joy Mapping Reset = "J0B10/B1" Joy Mapping Save State = "J0B10/B2" Joy Mapping Screenshot = "J0B10/B4" Joy Mapping Speed Down = "" Joy Mapping Speed Up = "" Joy Mapping Stop = "J0B10/B9" Kbd Mapping Decrease Volume = 91 Kbd Mapping Fast Forward = 102 Kbd Mapping Frame Advance = 47 Kbd Mapping Fullscreen = 0 Kbd Mapping Gameshark = 103 Kbd Mapping Increase Volume = 93 Kbd Mapping Increment Slot = 0 Kbd Mapping Load State = 288 Kbd Mapping Mute = 109 Kbd Mapping Pause = 112 Kbd Mapping Reset = 290 Kbd Mapping Save State = 286 Kbd Mapping Screenshot = 293 Kbd Mapping Slot 0 = 48 Kbd Mapping Slot 1 = 49 Kbd Mapping Slot 2 = 50 Kbd Mapping Slot 3 = 51 Kbd Mapping Slot 4 = 52 Kbd Mapping Slot 5 = 53 Kbd Mapping Slot 6 = 54 Kbd Mapping Slot 7 = 55 Kbd Mapping Slot 8 = 56 Kbd Mapping Slot 9 = 57 Kbd Mapping Speed Down = 291 Kbd Mapping Speed Up = 292 Kbd Mapping Stop = 27 Version = 1 [Input-SDL-Control1] A Button = "button(0)" AnalogDeadzone = "4096,4096" AnalogPeak = "32768,32768" B Button = "button(2)" C Button D = "axis(3+)" C Button L = "axis(2-)" C Button R = "axis(2+) button(1)" C Button U = "axis(3-) button(3)" DPad D = "hat(0 Down)" DPad L = "hat(0 Left)" DPad R = "hat(0 Right)" DPad U = "hat(0 Up)" L Trig = "button(4)" Mempak switch = "button(11)" MouseSensitivity = "2.00,2.00" R Trig = "button(5)" Rumblepak switch = "button(12)" Start = "button(9)" X Axis = "axis(0-,0+) axis(0+,0-)" Y Axis = "axis(1-,1+) axis(1+,1-)" Z Trig = "button(6)" device = 0 mode = 2 mouse = False name = "Saitek P3200 Rumble Pad - PC/Xbox 360" plugged = True plugin = "2" version = 2 [Input-SDL-Control2] A Button = "" AnalogDeadzone = "4096,4096" AnalogPeak = "32768,32768" B Button = "" C Button D = "" C Button L = "" C Button R = "" C Button U = "" DPad D = "" DPad L = "" DPad R = "" DPad U = "" L Trig = "" Mempak switch = "" MouseSensitivity = "2.00,2.00" R Trig = "" Rumblepak switch = "" Start = "" X Axis = "" Y Axis = "" Z Trig = "" device = -1 mode = 2 mouse = False name = "" plugged = False plugin = 1 version = 2 [Input-SDL-Control3] A Button = "" AnalogDeadzone = "4096,4096" AnalogPeak = "32768,32768" B Button = "" C Button D = "" C Button L = "" C Button R = "" C Button U = "" DPad D = "" DPad L = "" DPad R = "" DPad U = "" L Trig = "" Mempak switch = "" MouseSensitivity = "2.00,2.00" R Trig = "" Rumblepak switch = "" Start = "" X Axis = "" Y Axis = "" Z Trig = "" device = -1 mode = 2 mouse = False name = "" plugged = False plugin = 1 version = 2 [Input-SDL-Control4] A Button = "" AnalogDeadzone = "4096,4096" AnalogPeak = "32768,32768" B Button = "" C Button D = "" C Button L = "" C Button R = "" C Button U = "" DPad D = "" DPad L = "" DPad R = "" DPad U = "" L Trig = "" Mempak switch = "" MouseSensitivity = "2.00,2.00" R Trig = "" Rumblepak switch = "" Start = "" X Axis = "" Y Axis = "" Z Trig = "" device = -1 mode = 2 mouse = False name = "" plugged = False plugin = 1 version = 2 [Rsp-HLE] AudioListToAudioPlugin = False DisplayListToGraphicsPlugin = True RspFallback = "" Version = 1.000000 [Transferpak] GB-ram-1 = "" GB-ram-2 = "" GB-ram-3 = "" GB-ram-4 = "" GB-rom-1 = "" GB-rom-2 = "" GB-rom-3 = "" GB-rom-4 = "" [UI-Console] AudioPlugin = "" InputPlugin = "" PluginDir = "./" RspPlugin = "" Version = 1 VideoPlugin = "/usr/lib/mupen64plus/" [Video-GLideN64] EnableCopyColorToRDRAM = 0 EnableFBEmulation = False EnableLegacyBlending = True ShowFPS = True UseNativeResolutionFactor = 1 bilinearMode = 1 [Video-General] AspectRatio = True Fullscreen = False Rotate = 0 ScreenHeight = 480 ScreenWidth = 720 VerticalSync = False [Video-Glide64mk2] adjust_aspect = -1 alt_tex_size = -1 aspect = -1 buff_clear = -1 card_id = 0 clip_zmax = -1 clip_zmin = -1 clock = False clock_24_hr = True correct_viewport = -1 decrease_fillrect_edge = -1 detect_cpu_write = -1 fast_crc = -1 fb_crc_mode = -1 fb_get_info = -1 fb_hires = -1 fb_read_alpha = -1 fb_read_always = -1 fb_render = -1 fb_smart = -1 filtering = -1 fog = -1 force_calc_sphere = -1 force_microcheck = -1 force_polygon_offset = False force_quad3d = -1 ghq_cache_save = True ghq_cache_size = 128 ghq_cmpr = 0 ghq_enht = 0 ghq_enht_cmpr = False ghq_enht_f16bpp = False ghq_enht_gz = True ghq_enht_nobg = False ghq_enht_tile = 0 ghq_fltr = 0 ghq_hirs = 0 ghq_hirs_altcrc = True ghq_hirs_cmpr = False ghq_hirs_dump = False ghq_hirs_f16bpp = False ghq_hirs_gz = True ghq_hirs_let_texartists_fly = False ghq_hirs_tile = False hires_buf_clear = -1 ignore_aux_copy = -1 increase_texrect_edge = -1 lodmode = -1 n64_z_scale = -1 old_style_adither = -1 optimize_texrect = -1 pal230 = -1 polygon_offset_factor = 0 polygon_offset_units = 0 read_back_to_screen = -1 show_fps = 4 ssformat = False stipple_mode = -1 stipple_pattern = -1 swapmode = -1 texture_correction = -1 use_sts1_only = -1 useless_is_useless = -1 vsync = True wrpAnisotropic = True wrpAntiAliasing = 0 wrpFBO = True wrpResolution = 0 wrpVRAM = 0 zmode_compare_less = -1 [Video-Rice] AccurateTextureMapping = True AnisotropicFiltering = 0 CacheSize = 100 ColorQuality = 1 CropMode = 1 DefaultCombinerDisable = False DoubleSizeForSmallTxtrBuf = False DumpTexturesToFiles = False EnableHacks = True EnableSSE = True EnableVertexShader = False FastTextureLoading = False FogMethod = 1 ForcePolygonOffset = False ForceTextureFilter = 2 FrameBufferSetting = 0 FrameBufferWriteBackControl = 1 FullTMEMEmulation = False InN64Resolution = False LoadHiResCRCOnly = True LoadHiResTextures = False Mipmapping = 2 MultiSampling = 0 NormalAlphaBlender = False OpenGLDepthBufferSetting = 16 OpenGLRenderSetting = 0 OpenGLVertexClipper = False PolygonOffsetFactor = 0 PolygonOffsetUnits = 0 RenderToTexture = 0 SaveVRAM = False ScreenUpdateSetting = 7 ShowFPS = True SkipFrame = False SkipScreenUpdate = False SmallTextureOnly = False TexRectOnly = False TextureEnhancement = 6 TextureEnhancementControl = 0 TextureQuality = 0 Version = 1 WideScreenHack = False WinFrameMode = False
And yes, i've use crt. So, i opened n64.videomode and write ;n64.videomode=default
- but nothing changed