@benzitor Answering to myself.
I found out that the Recalbox.conf holds the list of controller as an extra layer of emulation station autoconfig.
The problem is that even if i erase the line, it all comes back...my 10 controller slots are full, and i have only 2 controller plugged and 1 in Bluetooth.
How can i remove these simple lines... ? where is the root config if not in the emustation files or the recalbox.conf ?
This is mad....really... some o the controller listed have not been hooked to my Pi4 since 2 months... why can't they just disappear ? Why can't emustation have a way to erase controllers, like we can forget Bluetooth ( which actually leaves the controller anyway in the list )
IT seems stupid, but what happens is that the whole thing prevents to add any other controllers, and be accepted ingame. Basically i can setup the controllers, use them in the interface, but since they are not assigned on any Player, ingame they don't exist...
And i basically cannot use my Wiimote dolphinbar combo.