I'm using the 64-bit Pc version of Recalbox. For some reason, when a pad a plugged in, none of the games will work. I can configure it fine and it seems to work fine in the main menu but.... none of the games play. Almost as soon as i hit the button to start the game, and screen fades to black, it pops back up to the menu saying game was unable to start. I noticed there was a new update to Recalbox, so i did a full reinstallation of both Recalbox and my Roms/Bios. SAME THING. It refuses to boot ANY games with this particular USB controller plugged in.
If i unplug it and plug in another pad and try it? Then everything suddendly works PERFECTLY. Unplug that controller and plug in the other one again? Once again, NOTHING works. WTF. Recalbox hates this controller evidently. Shame as it's a pretty decent USB pad.
Any way to fix this?