Hello team.
First of all, thanks for your amazing work, and the joy & excitement you give us with Recalbox !
Dreamcast emulation is much better now with Flycast. Many 2 players games are fully functional, which was not the case with Reicast (I guess that's because Flycast supports clipping, and Reicast didn't).
However, there seems to be an issue with gamepad mapping with Flycast: the Up and Down directions on the left Joystick generate 2 "actions" each.
For example, in several car simulation games, pushing the joystick up will move the car forward (that's ok) AND change the camera.
Pushing the joystick down will brake (that's ok) but also change the camera !
Like if a single button on the joypad, is mapped to two distinct buttons in the emulator.
That was not the case with Reicast.
Is it a known issue ?
Can we modify the gamepad mapping of Flycast to change this ?
Thanks a lot !
Edit: forgot to mention I am using Recalbox on an x86 PC