1 Feb 2019, 11:49

Either I'm blind or I suck at searching or I am missing something obvious

I just installed recalbox using etcher and got it running (with a bit of issues), tried launching something preinstalled and got a black screen and had to force shut down by pressing the power button.

Booted windows and tried to add games and it has 3 partitions, BOOT (:F)/USB DRIVE (:G)/USB DRIVE (:H), I cant access drives G and H and it keeps telling me to format the drive.

I know that G is image or something since its only around 2 gigs and H is the blank drive, I also read that it can only be accessed in linux or something I cant use a 2nd port to get the roms because its all taken by peripherals and dont plan to since I want to use it as a on the go hijack other's hardware type thing.

TL;DR how do I add roms to the boot usb from windows 10
