A newbie who got lost in the woods and needs help...
Hi all,
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I have a recalbox (2018 version) with Raspberry Pi 3. I somehow managed to install two working Tomb Raider psx roms, but the graphics are rather jittery and rough. Can someone please help me get smoother graphics and also understand how I can save games?
Much obliged!
@pablo2k1 it's absolutely illegal to sell recalbox and it's basically impossible to know what kind of s**tily modified version you were sold, so you won't get any official help until you install the latest official version.
Furthermore, don't overestimate psx, it is a very old system and not very good looking at all in 2018, most people having your reaction just can't remember how bad it was looking at the time and their memories are more beautiful than reality
Is there anyway I can add emulators for more recent consoles? (PS2, XBox etc).
And regardless, I'd still like to know if I can optimize the graphics and learn how to save games.
@pablo2k1 run xbox or ps2 on a pi3 ? Get yourself together pal, a pi3 is way not enough powerful to do so. Even a PC can barely do it
Pardon my ignorance.
Help with the other 2 questions (game saving and smoother graphics) would be welcomed.
@pablo2k1 simple : please at least make the effort by yourself to read wiki including manual
For game saving, check the wiki section "Special Commands":
https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Manual-(EN)#duringgame-specialFor smooth graphics, you can enable a core option for the playstation emulator, but the performance is not good. You could install cooling ventilators in your raspberry pi and overclock it to see if it helps. Don't overclock the raspberry without ventilators.
You can find the option in this way:
1 - Open Retroarch;
2 - Select Options;
3 - Enable the option "Enhaced resolution(slow)".But the best recommendation is this: Just use a CRT television. It smooths the pixels together automatically, and the image quality magically improves a lot. Flat screens show the pixels very sharp, and this removes all the magic of retro games.
By the way, the next time you open a new topic, please use a more descriptive title which includes the real subject of your problem...
To smooth pixels I use in general the following shader in recalbox.conf## Set gpslp shader for all emulators (prefer shadersets above). Absolute path (string) global.shaders=/recalbox/share_init/shaders/shaders_glsl/scalehq/2xScaleHQ.glslp Now you must look if it works well with you.
@dragu said in A newbie who got lost in the woods and needs help...:
To smooth pixels I use in general the following shader in recalbox.conf## Set gpslp shader for all emulators (prefer shadersets above). Absolute path (string) global.shaders=/recalbox/share_init/shaders/shaders_glsl/scalehq/2xScaleHQ.glslp Now you must look if it works well with you.
Can anyone else recommend doing this?
@pablo2k1 please, people took time to respond you with very specific instructions... the least you should do is to try it yourself and see if it suits you (as suggested) rather than asking if anyone else would also suggest you the same thing.