[SOFT] Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager)
@nexusone13 said in [SOFT] Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager):
Hi @RustyMG,
If multi systems are selected, "Delete unused images....." will delete images for each systems selected.As I told you seventh days ago, try to delete the same way you did, and click on 'send debug info to developer' in the 'contact' tab.
Come to the ARRM Discord ( https://discord.gg/p7QsBTS ). I will be more reactive and it will be easier to exchange log files and informations.By the way , your 'share/roms' directory is a bit strange :
-- Deleting image : C:_C_Dumping ground\ROMS\c64\downloaded_images\Xyron (1995)(-)[h]-mix.pngit should be something like that no ?
C:\C_Dumping ground\ROMS\c64\downloaded_images\Xyron (1995)(-)[h]-mix.png
I tried on my end to delete the unused image and it works fine:
I tried with directory
or even with
v:\romsand result was OK
Hi all,
A new version of ARRM is available : (02/24/2021)
- ARRM can retrieve the coordinates of Bezels now present in the ScreenScraper API in order to create the overlays configuration files.
If the coordinates do not exist or if the following checkbox is checked 'ONLY use ARRM detection of viewport for Bezels' (Scrape Options tab), ARRM will use its old method of detecting coordinates. - Possibility of recovering the following media as desired (Screenshot, Boxart, Marquee, Cartridge) without having to go through MIX mode (in Text mode only). Useful if you want to add a particular media. (cf Wiki : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=settings-en#images_options)
- Modification of the Database with addition of the field 'arcadesystemname_rom' (see below)
- Added <arcadesystemname> tag (Batocera). Allows to automatically add the name of the arcade system during the scrape.
- Fixed a bug that generated KO requests when searching with MD5 or GameID
- The gamelist backups directory (backup) is no longer located in the system directory but in the %appdata%\Nexouille soft\arrm\temp\backup%system%
- Removed β-themehsβ from the file name of recovered hyperspin themes
- Deletion of the logs_arrm directory in the directory of the scraped system. Now this log is in %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\temp
- Italian language (button + tooltip) updated by Michele/Retrogamer Italia
- Add systems included in Batocera 30 beta
- Add template : Skraper Mix4 HD 4:3 by SegaRally
- Add 2 templates : Amiga Old Room and Amiga Desktop from Giovanni Minopoli
- Add templates from RustyMG
If you already have version, you can download only the executable alone + some configuration files here: http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/category/12-arrm-executable-only
Download link for full version (remember to uninstall the previous version) : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
Page of Beta versions : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/category/11-arrm-update-correctif
ARRM WIKI : http://www.jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=Start-en
Videos tutorial playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwA4JmSgv-PtLlzwPMOad5Ti96UfsbSzK
ARRM Discord : Discord: https://discord.gg/p7QsBTS - ARRM can retrieve the coordinates of Bezels now present in the ScreenScraper API in order to create the overlays configuration files.
Hi all,
A new version of ARRM is available : (04/11/2021)
The systems to be managed as directories (PC, DOS, Windows, PS3 ...) are indicated in the file systemes_as_folder.txt * In tools, addition of a combobox allowing to edit the ARRM config files.
Addition of a checkbox in the "Gamelist Options" tab which allows on Batocera when saving the gamelist to save the core / emulator per game in a text file. You just have to copy the lines of this file into your batocera.conf file
Addition of a combobox in the "Arcade" tab which allows you to select in your database the Arcade Roms whose selected core is the best. You can then apply the desired core / emulator to these Roms using the 'Reinit Core / Emulator' button . based on Roslof's . This is an alternative to the 'Update Core' button which is now located in the same 'Arcade' tab. See tutorial : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=arcade_best_core_en
Addition of a checkbox 'Check if media exists' in the 'General options' tab: When loading the gamelist, checks if the referenced media exist locally, otherwise the media reference is deleted from the database
Modification of the button 'Media exists?' in panel 'Actions possible on selected Roms': When loading the gamelist, checks if the referenced media exist locally, otherwise the media reference is deleted from the database. If the 'Find missing images' checkbox is checked in the 'General options' tab, ARRM tries to find the media locally ")
Support des tags BOXBACK, KIDGAME, GAMETIME dans les gamelists.
Boxback can now be used in your Mix templates. cf Wiki Create your own template for ARRM
Boxback, Titleshot, and Fanart are now downloadable from TheGamesDB
Added boxback and overlay in HTML Generator
When "No image, only texts" is checked, only the media checked in the 'Force Media Download' section are recovered.
The 'Check ScreenScraper' Button now displays Scrape quotas / limitations on Screenscraper
'Recompose image' is faster
Addition of a converter from Overlay Recalbox to Overlay Batocera in the 'Tools' tab (indicate the path of the recalbox overlays folder, then the path of the temporary folder which will host the converted overlays). See tutorial : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=convert_overlay_recalbox_to_batocera-en
The name of the Batocera bezels/overlays folders can be changed in the 'Folders' tab (formerly ARRM created a 'mybezels4-3' and 'mybezels16-9' folder)
Checking and normalization of folder names in the 'Folders' tab to avoid inadvertent deletion when using the 'Delete unused images and videos' button in the 'Images Options' tab
Moved the gamelist export checkboxes in the 'Gamelist' tab
Checkbox 'Export as Pegasus', allows to save the gamelist.xml in a metadata.txt format in the system directory. Can be used with the FrontEnd Pegasus (request of ExarKunIv from the Retropie forum). See tutorial : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=export_gamelist_fr
Checkbox 'Export as Attract Mode', allows to save the gamelist.xml in the Romlists folder of Attractmode in an AttractMode compatible format. Remember to indicate this Romlist folder in the 'Folders' tab. (request from BadFurDay from the Retropie forum). See tutorial : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=export_gamelist_fr
Modification of the database in order to have a visualization of genres when loading an Arcade romset without gamelist.xml. This allows you to make selections on unwanted genres and also clones in order to remove them.
Added an 'Arcade Clone' button in Arcade Tab that allows you to search and filter Clones of Roms for Arcade systems. The line (Clone Of: rom_name -> rom_title) is added in the 'temoporary_rom' field . The filter (temporary_rom like 'Clone Of:') is added to the filters of the Query combobox
When loading roms from Arcade systems without gamelist.xml, ARRM indicates if the rom is a clone in the description field and the temporary field (Clone Of : rom_name -> rom_title). Useful for removing clones before launching a scrape.
Single instance verification of the application at launch
Screenscraper custom dates are now supported
Addition of a 'Mix Box Cartridge Game & Watch' template by Mickael D.
Takes into account new systems
Fixed various bugs
If you already have version, you can download only the executable alone + some configuration files here: http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/category/12-arrm-executable-only
Download link for full version (remember to uninstall the previous version) : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
Page of Beta versions : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/category/11-arrm-update-correctif
ARRM WIKI : http://www.jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=Start-en
Id like to create the templates for the newly supported systems (I have done most of the photoshop work), but I am unable to do so until ARRM "recognises" the systems.
Is there a beta release that has these systems and I can setup the required files? -
A beta version is available for testing :FOR TESTING :
ARRM 1892 beta 5 (Executable only + templates + some config files)
!! You must have at least version installed !!
Copy files over your existing files.copy the contents of the "Program Files (x86)" folder to "C:"
copy the contents of the "Nexouille Soft" folder to "%appdata%"- Fix a cartridge positioning bug on the templates (when the boxart is in portrait or cd mode)
- Added templates for Pico-8, Watara supervision (supervision), Epoch Cassette Supervision (scv), Pocket Challenge v2 (pcv2), BK-0010/0011 / Terak 8510a (bk)
- Added configuration files for Watara supervision (supervision), Epoch Cassette Supervision (scv), Pocket Challenge v2 (pcv2), BK-0010/0011 / Terak 8510a (bk), VIDEOPAC + (videopacplus), VIC-20 ( vic20)
- The image search for customizing folders is now only done on 'folder-folder_name.png' (previously 'folder_name.png' http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=custom_subfolder_en
- Addition of ? on some features that point to the corresponding wiki
- Fix bug on 'video + overlay'
- Fix bug : The 'PC/DOS: file mode' checkbox had no effect on the systems listed in 'systemes_as_folder.txt' (thank you toniosj)
- Addition of the Extra1 media in the Mix'Me
- Modification of several arcade themes to take into account the Extra1 media
- Added a recoverable item (Extra1) to which you can assign a Media Screenscraper (Assignment of Media Screenscraper) and can be use in arrm template. (example: Marquee to have the Arcade marquee with the supplied pajarorrojo template : mix_arcade_moon_zoomed - marquee). This element is not written to the gamelist. Pajarorrojo request.
- Added a templates pack by Pajarorrojo
- Media themehs, extra1, music are now moved when the 'move roms' button is used
- Media themehs, extra1, music are now deleted when the 'delete media' button is used
- Added 'De / Select All' button in 'Force Media Download (Screenscraper)' section
Download Beta link : http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/category/11-arrm-update-correctif
@RustyMG , if you want to know if a beta is available, you can click on this button sometimes :
Hi @RustyMG if you want to add a non existing system on arrm you can follow this wiki. http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=different_systems_name_en
Hello all,
A new version of ARRM is available: (05/16/2021)
- In the βToolsβ tab, the button βRecover Wheels Systemsβ recovers the wheels & carbon wheels for the present systems and for the arcade from the systems contained in the files systemes_screenscraper.txt and arcadesystemname_long.txt. Wheels & Wheels carbon are included in this archive.
- Addition of a βSystemβ tag that can be used in the templates which displays the name of the system or for Arcade systems the name of the Arcade system. The media corresponds to the Wheel tag of the systems on screenscraper and is located in the directory : %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\ressources\logos_wheel%system_name%.png (Wheels and Wheels carbon included in this archive). Read Wiki : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=create_template-en#description_of_the_tags
- Added <extra1_add_black_borders> and <system_add_black_borders> tags in templates to add black borders on EXTRA1 and SYSTEM elements when they are undersized.
- Added <extra1_add_black_borders> and <system_add_black_borders> tags in the affected templates
- Removed the βBlack Bordersβ checkbox for EXTRA1 in the βMedia Assignmentβ screen replaced by the <extra1_add_black_borders> tag in the templates.
- Addition of a template ArcadeHome modified to display the name of the system (system tag in the template)
- Fixed a bug, when cleaning the name, the βagaβ string was removed from the name. Thank you TVslan
- Fixed crash bug when gametime was empty. Thank you nordicpower
- Addition of 2 templates by Soaresden (xbox and ps3)
- Addition of an 'Auto Hide cue/gdi/m3u' button in the 'Action on selected Roms' panel which allows to hide the files referenced in the .cue/.gdi/.m3u files
- Addition of an 'Auto Hide cue/gdi/m3u' checkbox in the' Scrape Options' tab which allows, when loading a system, to hide the files referenced in the .cue files / .gdi / .m3u
- Addition of 'Launch/Open' in the contextual menu of the Database: Allows you to launch a Rom if the extension is associated with an emulator, otherwise open the file with the program associated with the extension. Suggest by nordicpower
- Addition of a 'Retroarch Overload' checkbox in the Gamelist tab, which allows, when saving the gamelist, to add the cores and emulators (present in the database) in a retroarch overload file for RECALBOX named 'rom'.recalbox file. conf which is in the Rom folder. If the overloads (global.emulator, global.core) already exist they are replaced. For this to work, Recalbox must be selected as the frontend. Read Wiki : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=emulator_core_en#recalbox_specificity
Download link for the full version via arrm_setup.exe (remember to uninstall the previous version): http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
Download link for the full version without using arrm_setup.exe. (Allows you to install or update the application): http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/category/12-arrm-executable-only
Changelog : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=changelog-en
Beta versions page: http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/category/11-arrm-update-correctif
ARRM WIKI: http://www.jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=Start-en
Videos tutorial playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwA4JmSgv-PtLlzwPMOad5Ti96UfsbSzK
Discord ARRM: Discord: https://discord.gg/p7QsBTS -
Hello all,
A new version of ARRM is available: (06/26/2021)
- Addition in the 'Systems' panel of a 'Unused Overlays' button which allows, for the selected systems, to display the list of unused Overlays.
It is then possible to delete these overlays (and their configuration files) or to move it to a Backup directory. (Asked by Toniosj)
See wiki : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=unused_overlays_en - Correction in the creation of the Retropie overlay configuration files (the extension of the game was missing in the cfg)
- Update files to take into account the switch
- Addition of 2 template: Nintendo Switch (normal and profile)
- Addition of a button 'Rename via DAT' which modify the name of a game thanks to its CRC32 (hash) or its MD5 by doing a search in the DAT files.
The 'Clean Name,'Add disc','Add country' checkboxes are applied if checked. CRC32 and MD5 are calculated before searching.
See wiki : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=rename_game_with_datfiles_en - Addition of a 'blank field' button in the 'Replacement' tab, allowing to empty the selected field for the selected roms.
- Addition of md5 and hash (CRC) in the usable fields in the 'Replacement' tab.
- Addition of a 'View Backup dir' button in 'Tools' tab which allows you to open the directory where the different gamelist backups are located.
- Correction: manuals for the following countries were not taken in account ame, asi, au, bg, cn, cz, dk, fi, gr, hu, il, kw, mor, nl, no, nz, oce , pl, sk, se, tr, tw (thanks Soaresden)
- Fixed a crash when loading a system when the hash of a game was greater than 255 characters (thanks Doze)
- Addition of 2 templates for N-Gage and N-Gage QD by Soaresden
Download link for the full version via arrm_setup.exe (remember to uninstall the previous version): http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/file/10-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
Download link for the full version without using arrm_setup.exe. (Allows you to install or update the application by copying files): http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/category/12-arrm-executable-only
Changelog : http://jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=changelog-en
Beta versions page: http://jujuvincebros.fr/telechargements2/category/11-arrm-update-correctif
ARRM WIKI: http://www.jujuvincebros.fr/wiki/arrm/doku.php?id=Start-en
Videos tutorial playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwA4JmSgv-PtLlzwPMOad5Ti96UfsbSzK
Discord ARRM: Discord: https://discord.gg/p7QsBTS - Addition in the 'Systems' panel of a 'Unused Overlays' button which allows, for the selected systems, to display the list of unused Overlays.
@nexusone13 Good morning and thanks for the great work on this program. I installed it on my Windows 10 and the program worked fine for a few days, but then whenever I tried to use it, it would stop working showing an error message related to NET.FrameWork.
I have installed the latest version of this feature that the program needs to work, but I still can't use ARRM anymore. Would you help me? Because I really liked your program and the arts it generates for me.
@leowalk77 hi. Which button did you click when this error occurred? Which system did you scrapped? Did you installed or removed programs or net framework between the moment arrm worked and now!? Can you click on 'send debug info to developer' In the' contact' tab please. Thanks
@nexusone13 said in [SOFT] Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager):
@leowalk77 hi. Which button did you click when this error occurred? Which system did you scrapped? Did you installed or removed programs or net framework between the moment arrm worked and now!? Can you click on 'send debug info to developer' In the' contact' tab please. Thanks
I'll make a video about the problem and post it on my channel there on youtube and then leave the link here for you to evaluate, ok!? Thanks for your attention and I hope that as soon as you show how this problem happens, you can help me, because I really enjoyed the arts that your great program develops for us.
@nexusone13 said in [SOFT] Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager):
@leowalk77 hi. Which button did you click when this error occurred? Which system did you scrapped? Did you installed or removed programs or net framework between the moment arrm worked and now!? Can you click on 'send debug info to developer' In the' contact' tab please. Thanks
Good Morning!!! Yesterday, I decided to delete the ARRM folder that was on the C drive in x86 program files and then I reinstalled the program and went to use it to see if the problem had been solved and to my surprise the ARRM managed to create a complete playlist Mega Drive with 791 ERROR-free games.
I'm still doing the tests to see if this problem has really been fixed and I'll let you know. I leave just below the screenshot of the location where I deleted the program folder and the link to the video which I recorded thinking it would give a problem, but it didn't happen.
I decided to share the video just so you can get an idea of how I use your program here on my computer. Thanks in advance for your attention and again for the great program.
Hi @leowalk77 glad to read that you managed to get it work. I think you should change the bezels folder to something different that program files x86. It may cause error (access rights) if you check the overlay checkbox in image options tab.
One more thing videomix only works with templates not using perspective generated images -
@nexusone13 said in [SOFT] Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager):
One more thing videomix only works with templates not using perspective generated imagesGood night!!! So that must be what was causing the problem, since I really only indicated the path to the ROMs folder, as I don't use Bezels, I left it aside, but I'll do as you indicated.
Again, thank you very much for your attention. And about the Mix Videos I had noticed it!!! At first the program scared me because of the number of options it has, but with the help of a friend, I managed to learn the basics. The rest I'll see on your Youtube channel in addition to the Wiki page.
@nexusone13 said in [SOFT] Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager):
One more thing videomix only works with templates not using perspective generated imagesGood Morning!!! Yes, I noticed this and whenever I go to create my scrapers I pay attention to these details.
Today I decided to do the ARRM test on my Notebook with Windows 11, which before was giving the same problem and I just indicated a new path for the Bezels folder that ARRM started to work perfectly. π₯³
Here is the directory tree I set up for the program:
The only problem I had when running ARRM on my Samsung Flash F30 is that it doesn't adjust to the screen size of this notebook and because of that I didn't have access to some features that are at the bottom.
The solution was to use the great feature of this new Windows that allows you to hide the taskbar. See below how the program looked after applying these changes:
This is the total screen space of my notebook and as you can see even though I hide the taskbar some ARRM details are still missing, but the most important features for my use are accessible now.
It would be good for you to come up with a way to make this program tuned for different types of screens to facilitate the final use.
Thanks again so much for creating this amazing program for us end users.
@nexusone13 Hi all,
Done a few new templates, and a few alternatives:Elektronika BK (better colour):
With the scraper, there is a problem with scraping EasyRPG games.
It only allows a zip file, which is okay on a PC, however the Pi version of Easy RPG must have the folders unzipped, and in each folder, looks for the file "RPG_RT.ldb" to load the game.
This file is the same for each game.
I had to scrape as normal, unzip each game, then manually edit the xml file replacing the zip with "[game folder]/RPG_RT.ldb", but they all now work. -
@rustymg said in [SOFT] Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager):
With the scraper, there is a problem with scraping EasyRPG games.
It only allows a zip file, which is okay on a PC, however the Pi version of Easy RPG must have the folders unzipped, and in each folder, looks for the file "RPG_RT.ldb" to load the game.Hi @RustyMG
Did you try this method ? :
https://forum.recalbox.com/post/169526Just add .ini in the systemes_extensions.txt file
Oops, forgot to include the alt Sega Saturn template.
Decided to make a nice one as Recalbox 7.3 will include the Sega Saturn.
CD case reduced in size and CD enlarged so they match better, and the grey console used to make it more visible. -
@nexusone13 Hi, was trying to resolve a VIC-20 problem and just noticed ARRM doesn't recognise .tap files, but, the VICE emulator can run them (go into Machine Settings -> Tape Port Devices and enable "Datasette Device".)
Can this suffix be added to the recognised file types so I can scrape these .tap games?
Many thanks