Problem Raspberry pi 3 + recalbox EXT4-fs error
Which means those prebuilt.images are just a stupid plague made by people who don't understand what they do ...
@substring @voljega said in Problem Raspberry pi 3 + recalbox EXT4-fs error:
And we don't know either and can't know at atll because to this is a modified version which isn't the official one, so there is and will be absolutely no support for it.
I formatted the sd in the mac terminal using the command "sudo EraseDisk FAT32 RASPBIAN MBRPartition /dev/disk2"
I installed the original recalbox image and received the error:
after restarting raspberry pi:
I tried installing the recalbox by raspbian and also not succeeding
my sd cards are new I do not understand why this is happening
recalbox is not compatible with rpi3 B+
@acris my model is B
not B+
@djmatrix-hu3 Just use an official image to get support, not a bad prebuilt one.
@oyyodams I'm having a problem with the official image
@djmatrix-hu3 what type of SD card do you have exactly ? (vendor, etc.)
Are you sure your image comes from ?
@djmatrix-hu3 usng the img makes formatting useless. The partition table is also erased.
The only reasin left i see is either a.faulty sd, either a faulty sd reader on your computer. I don't think the pi3 could be to blame
There are a lot of fake SanDisk cards out there. Have tried testing the cards with a counterfeit program?
really the cards are fake that was the reason for the problem, I sent back to the seller to receive the refund .. Thanks